An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

12-06-02 AJ

There is no question that as we start to contact people and try to move our operations to California everybody wants to get into the act!  Now, my people that came from Sacramento want an opportunity to render aide and get some of the rewards that I offer.  They say $1,000 a month for my servant's and Sarah's medical care won't be enough, so they would like the people of Sacramento to donate to a trust fund, the interests of which would not only go to their medical care, but to the medical care of the courier/protectors.  I see no reason why such loans could not be gathered and be used for two years to be given to Sacramento charities after that.  The courier/protector project is very important, and assistance such as this would be helpful.  So my servant will send a copy of today's email to the mayor of Sacramento offering the proposal.  The people of Sacramento already have a project in mind.  My servant has a book on line called "The Truth Is Here" which tells about the extra terrestrials that visit Earth, and I believe the Ashtarian conflict.  They would like Sacramento to get this work published and, to have the story of that conflict made as a movie, put on the Sy Fy network, the proceeds being split between the funds to pay the mayor's salary and, the courier/protector project.  They also make another suggestion, that Governor Jerry Brown sponsor the manufacture of some coffee mugs that say on one side "Speaker Gerald Polley For President, 2,012." and, that say on the other side, "Endorsed by Governor Jerry Brown Of California," have the profits split between the trust fund to pay the governor's salary and, the courier/protector program.  Why would the governor want to do this? Because he knows that Obama Care is going to bankrupt California, and my candidate will stop it, replace it with something that will work.  Though he is a Democrat he should stand against Obama Care, and endorsing my candidate would be the greatest statement he could make.  I think it's a good coventure!  As I have said, I want my candidate to conduct his campaign by doing good deeds, and setting up a trust fund to help pay the governor's salary to take more burden off the California tax payers would be another example of what we can accomplish if we work together.  
    Dear Alice has commented that Arnold Schwarzenegger, Brad Pitt and the others would not be doing a movie for nothing.  Dear one, they would not really be doing it for nothing.  If they produce a good product that the public likes, help fund our efforts, and help the tax payers, the good will and good publicity they would get would be beyond anything that they could purchase.  It will be sure to bring them many more money making opportunities in the future.  It's simply a very smart thing to do.  I will tell you those that now oppose Obama are going to be the most popular people in the future!  So they wouldn't actually be doing it for nothing.  They would know it would be very advantageous for them, especially if the effort is successful.  The people will remember.  
    I have to mention something that my servant doesn't particularly care for.  Michael Jackson has come forth with the proposal of asking his youngest son to be my host in California for two years as his brother and sister work for the courier/protector program channeling my power into the material world.  Not that he is not capable, he would be.  But my servant thinks he's far too young to ask to take such a burden.  However, we will make the possibility known and if the funds can be raised it will be up to the young man if he would want to make the effort, and, his family does not object.  Even if he declines he would still be welcome to take part in the courier/protector program as we have suggested.  Raising the funds for this program is becoming more and more vital.  We wish so much we could sell some of my servant's material and get those funds going.  But he will not officially ask any courier/protectors to serve until the funds are available for their trust funds.  The danger that we are asking them to face and the public ridicule that they will endure must be compensated for.  That is absolute!  
    Received complaints about Tracy Morgan's rant against homosexuality.  Well, I believe Tracy has every right to express his opinion on homosexuality, that he would not tolerate a son of his being involved in it.  But I do object to the comments that he would engage in violence against a son that declared that he was homosexual.  This is inappropriate and unacceptable unless that son should physically attack the father.  What the father should do is put that son out of his house and have nothing to do with him, forbid all of his family to have anything to do with him.  Treat him as if he was dead, as if he had died.  Some people would find this just as objectionable as violence, but it is the proper procedure.  Of course any criminal acts the son is involved in such as the molesting of children should be reported to the authorities.  But violence should not be a response unless there is physical assault, which has occurred.  In such case the father is justified in defending himself, but only in that case.  I support Tracy's right to speak against homosexuality but I ask him not to encourage violence.  It is not our way.  Self defense, yes, but not violence.
    I'm asked again why my servant isn't taking part in the Republican debates.  Well, right now we don't have the financial resources to get him there, or, the courier/protectors to protect the innocent. And he hasn't been invited.  But we're making his opinions known on every issue.  We're still a little upset that some Republicans seem to be stealing his ideas!  Somebody is campaigning on a 10% and 25% tax rate.  My candidate is campaigning on a flat tax rate of 15% and doing away with all inheritance taxes, which he considers to be double taxation.  People pay taxes all their lives and then what little they have saved for their children is taxed again and taken away.  We will never support this!   It is stealing from the dead and it must end!  When we fix the economy and cut the budget so that funds will be available it will be.  This is one of our campaign issues. We don't mind The Republicans using our issues, but they should let the public know where the ideas came from.  
    Here's a funny one!  We've been asked "Who was Huma Abedin Weiner?  You tell everybody that everybody important is someone that knew your servant in a previous lifetime.  Who was Huma Abedin Weiner?"  Well, it's absolutely true, that my servant and Huma knew each other in a past life.  Her and her sisters didn't get along too well with my servant.  He believed when they were playing goddesses they were interfering far too much with the human race. They had a rather nasty battle.  He defeated them, grievously wounding them in the process.  They had the common sense of putting themselves under his protection, for 100 years were his servants, were taught the proper way to behave and use their powers.  During that time as always happens, they became devoted to my servant.  I don't know a single soul that's been under his care that didn't!  So yes, my servant and this one knew each other in the past.  And I don't doubt that somewhere along the line they'll know each other in this lifetime, even if she does not accept the offer that we're putting forth.  When things start going our way I don't think she'll be able to stay away, those who my servant helped never can, even those that he graciously returns to me always serve him.  It's just the way things are.  Such debts cannot be forgotten, and they should not be forgotten.  Those that forget them often cannot bear the pain and cease to exist forever.  Her sisters are around somewhere, too.  I think they're doing a little bit better.  They're a little bit older.  
  The trial of Caylee Anthony's mother has brought back some of those that know she is my servant's spiritual ward and that he is striving to repair the damage that has been done to her soul.  They asked me to please get her to forgive her mother.  This is something I cannot interfere in.  This is something that must come from within the person themselves.  Caylee is justified.  What she wants is simple, the truth.  If her mother will give it she will forgive her.  As long as she lies, as long as she tries to escape Caylee is justified, will have her fifteen seconds with her when she dies, and destroy her forever.  We cannot deny this right.  Justice must be done!  Caylee would like nothing better to be merciful.  She is learning very quickly from my servant.  But she must have justice and I cannot take that away from her.  To have eternal life all her mother has to do is speak the truth.  If she will not she has chosen her fate, and that is the end of it.  
    One final thing. Alice sent us some links about some false prophets that claim to speak for me.  I won't give the links because I don't want them given publicity.  Unfortunately, dear one, the fakes are a dime a dozen and they are usually easily spotted by what they teach.  If it is opposite of what my servant speaks you know they're frauds, con artists, just out to make money.  Don't pay any attention to them, especially to those that teach hate.  Any religious teacher that teaches hate, that says his particular religion is the only way to Heaven and everyone else must be destroyed is a creature of Darkness, no question, no doubt.  If they say hate they have nothing to do with me.  Jesus said it very plainly.  "They shall be known by their works."  My servant usually takes care of people like this in short order.  They don't last long when he becomes aware of them.  Look at Jim and Tammy Bakker and Jerry Falwell, some of his recent prey.  All like this should be warned!  God's true servants are watching, waiting for an opportunity and they always manage to get one!   

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and