An Open Decree From God The Father
Ruler Of Heaven And Earth
To Pope Benedict Of Rome Who Claims To Be My Representative On Earth But Who I Do Not Fully Recognize Because Of The Blasphemies That He Supports

21-06-02 AJ

I speak on behalf of my true voice on Earth, Speaker Gerald Polley who I have asked to become President Of The United States.  Through him I have given to The Islamic People instructions on what to do because of The UN's betrayal of me and their acceptance of sodomy, their attempts to destroy my children.  The Islamic People requested where I have sent such precise instructions to them, that in all fairness I should send similar instructions to you.  I do not think this request unreasonable.  I think it only just and fair.  So therefore, I am fulfilling their wishes and sending you this decree with precise instructions.  These are not requests but they are instructions.  This is what I want you to do.  And I will accept no excuses.  I'm fully aware that you have the power to say "Do this!" and it will be done.  So I will not accept any excuse, like it is too late to arrange what I want.  I know what you can  do.  So therefore, I say do it!  
    First of all I want you to withdraw all Catholic envoys from The UN, end The Catholics' relationship with any UN organization, and I mean any no matter how beneficial some organization seems, end your relationship with them.  Because The UN is using all of its resources to sodomize children, and this can no longer be tolerated.  The Catholic Church must separate themselves from them.  The Catholic Church is to give no more funds to The UN.  It is not to support The UN in any way.  This is immediate and absolute.  
    Now, I am planning a march through San Francisco on July 4th using the physical form of my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley. I wish to take my power and glory directly against the homosexual movement there, to condemn the mayor of San Francisco and all those with him to eternal death, to banish them from my Kingdom forever, and to insist that none of my friends take any of them in.  I want you to march with me and stand beside me as I make that decree.  Of course you will have to come to The United States to do this and I want you to do some other things for me besides.  
    Firstly, on July 3rd, I want you to do mass in the cathedral at San Francisco but allow me to deliver the sacraments, to distribute the bread and the wine that is the symbol of Christ's blood and flesh, and to bestow my blessings on those there using the physical form of my servant.  This would help bring my power against the homosexual community and fortify my people against their evil.  
   Then, on July 5th, at the cathedral in Los Angeles, I want you to ordain Speaker Gerald Polley a cardinal and his wife a bishop, officially ending celibacy.  I desire that you give Speaker Polley special authority to remove all homosexual teachings from the church, to have the power to immediately excommunicate any priest in The United States that supports homosexuality, to excommunicate any church member that supports homosexuality.  He is to have absolute authority in this matter.  Any that oppose him shall immediately and without question lose all authority, and he shall have the instantaneous right to appoint a replacement.  
    If possible before you go to The United States I would like to have a special contribution gathered in every Catholic church in Italy.  I would like each family to loan Speaker Polley one dollar for ten years that would be put in a trust fund and he would use the interest from to support a Catholic courier/protector from Rome who would serve as an assistant to the Catholic protector from Mexico, who would protect all Catholics in the world.  The Roman protector should be between seventeen and eighteen years of age and a nun from one of the convents in Rome.  Besides speaking Italian she should be fluent in English, and also able to write it. If she has knowledge of the use of computers it would be very helpful.
    Though the circumstances right now are an emergency, I still wish that you request of Speaker Polley that he fulfill the wishes of The Imperial Havens in exchange for the support of the Church.  
    As soon as possible, when the courier/protector program is up and running, and Speaker Linda Polley can carry out her missions, I desire her to go to Africa, request of Nelson Mandela that he take the rule of The Kingdom Of Jesus, and that she bestow upon him the power that Jesus has stored within her, and within the courier/protectors including the one from Rome.  I ask you to accompany her on this mission, representing The Church Of Rome and ask Mandela to accept what is being offered in the name of the Christian peoples of the world.  I desire that you bear witness that this is a true mission, sanctioned by me and vital to the world.  
     This is all I can convey to you at this time. There is more but I do not wish to make too much confusion.  So I will make these things known at another time. I have fulfilled the wishes of The Islamic People. As I have given instructions to them, I have now given instructions to you.  And I ask you to pass these instructions along to The Archbishop Of Canterbury, and The Bishop of The Orthodox Faith.  For I desire that they also do the same things that I have asked you to do.  There is an Anglican protector in Ireland and we need her as well as the Catholic protector if we are to succeed.  So I would like The Archbishop Of Canterbury to take up a donation in his country and take the loans to Speaker Polley.  No, I wish you and him to take the funds to The United States and set up the trust funds in banks there, and supervise that the money is being used, the interest, for the purposes intended.  That way people will know that this effort is not some kind of elaborate scheme to enrich people.  There are too many of those already!   My servant is constantly accused of being a fraud by the feeble minded.  We must show the world that this is not so, that he is a true servant trying to  save my children from eternal death.  That is why I want your testimony, why I want you to bear witness so the world will know he is my true servant and is recognized by my church.  
    There will be rewards besides you yourself being restored to eternal life which I'm sure many will feel a reward worthy of doing this task.  Though you have gone astray there are many that still love you.  Here is a link to the web site where my  servant has been posting my messages for the last few months.

   I will not be able to work through my servant after July 4th.   That he has given me so much through this crisis is beyond measure.  That I cannot reward him, that there is nothing I have to offer that he wants, nothing that he needs, disturbs me greatly.  And that my children refuse to accept my truths and won't stand with him brings me greater pain still.  But I ask that you return to me, that you end this rebellion and you accept my truth, that relationships between two men and two women are unacceptable, that men no matter how holy they feel they are, cannot force children to have sexual relations with them.  I will not permit it.  I will not accept it.  I will destroy them forever, and all who support them, no matter how much good they think they do I will wipe them away!  I have given my warning.  I have expressed my will to my children.  I have told them the price of this evil.  I have told them that those that partake of this will die forever, that those that allow this will die forever.  Their souls will burst like cheap balloons and they will fade into nothing.  And you will have to answer for each and every one of them.  When they ask "Why did you do this to me?" you will have to answer.

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and