We have hopes that the recent outbreak of botulism in strawberries from California, and, the arrival of a drug resistant strain of botulism bacteria in the United States are purely coincidental, but we fear they are not.  There are still agents of Ashtar Command working on Earth, and one of their primary efforts was to be to disrupt earth's food production systems, to introduce a series of diseases to which we have no defense.
We are still trying to reach these agents to have them discontinue their operations.  We have the code signal for them, but we need major national publications to distribute it, and we cannot afford to hire the space.  Perhaps in the future we will be able to.



I overheard an ignorant conversation the other day.  A young woman was running down Mother's Day and, Fater's Day, calling them nonsense holidays.  How can showing those we love how much we appreciate what they have given us, be called nonsense?
The gifts we give are merely tokens.  What matters is the gratitude we have for the gifts that they have given us, gifts that are beyond any value that man can give them.  It is true, some parents fall short, but they are the minority.
Most do what they need to do, and many sacrifice for their children.  It is only proper we give a small remembrance in return for those sacrifices.


MOTHER'S DAY- May 11th

FATHER'S DAY- June 15th

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