When Jesus says He orders all people that worship God to leave California, who exactly does he mean?
He means LITERALLY all people that worship God, who are part of those religons that worship God, who are part of those religions that were derived from the teachings of Moses, who are descendants of Abraham; Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Mormans, Seven Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, ANY that teach that they accept The Nazarene's Teachings, or those of The Prophets, are considered by The Higher Powers Children Of God, and under The Nazarene's Dominion.  These are who He speaks of.  Perhaps even Muslims can be included in this category.
Any of these people who have sworn allegiance to God are under this Decree, and suffer the penalty if they do not obey.  The choice is theirs.


I knew Marshall Applewhite (Do) was trouble when he first called me back in 1994 when he began to express the philosophy of abstinence, attacking the normal sexual relations between male and female.  This is one of the first signs that an individual is working for The Dark Powers, when they try to make the norm into something degrading or evil.  If you run into a society like this, flee from them as quick as you can!
If they can get people to give up the most natural, beautiful and basic part of life, then they can slowly establish other controls until they are completely in control of the individual.  Totally denying one's natural desires does not make them more acceptable to The Next Realm, or, more pure.  It creates an imbalance in the Soul which the person will have to spend a great deal of time correcting.
This misguided notion that abstinence is a sign of purity does more harm than it ever does good.  When we destroy the natural forces of harmony between the male and female, we destroy the very basis of existtence, itself!


"Men are not pigs.  Pigs are a gentle, caring, intelligent creature."
-From a recently seen bumper sticker.

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