JANUARY 30, 1997

The Galactic Forces have had another incident with the ships that tried to run the blockade of Earth.  Three of them attacked the supply base tending ships working in this sector.  When help arrived they quickly fled.
As they maneuvered away from the system they did something totally unexpected.  A shimmering rainbow-like glow appeared around the ships and they seemed to disappear!  The Commander of The Galactic Forces was deeply disturbed by seeing this phenomena because it reminded him of something I had written about, so he immediately sent a ship with recordings for me to view.
His fears were well founded.  These ships leaped!  They used an ancient type of propulsion that allows them to cross vast distances of space INSTANTANEOUSLY!  I had thought no race now possessed that technology.
Samples taken from the three ships' travel routes also showed they were using positive-negative matter drive...also a technology of my people.
This is very perplexing, as they are not using our types of weaponry, which would seem only logical if they are using that propulsion system.  This is all very, very odd!
I have figured the radius around the Earth's solar system that ships could leap into.  Even with this capability the blockade ships can still EASILY intercept them.  But the mere fact that they possess this technology is very curious, and also very disturbing.
Unfortunately no images of the ship's crews could be gained.  So we have no idea if we are dealing with survivors of The Galactic Holocaust or merely some race that has found some of their technology and is using it.
Those are all questions we would like to have answers to.

FEBRUARY 19, 1997

The reports from The Galactic Community on these strange intruders becomes weirder and weirder!
Six of them attacked an outpost on the far side of the galaxy.  Unbeknownst to them, apparently, several vessels of The Galactic Community were proceeding to that outpost on an unexpected mission and arrived just as their assault began.  It turned into a real nasty slug fest!
Two Galactic ships were destroyed and two of the raiders, before the raiders finally managed to fight their way out.
Most of the raiders escaped from their damaged ships and were rescued by their colleagues but one escape pod got caught in a moon's gravity and went down, HARD
The Galactic Community was able to recover it and examine the bodies of its six occupants.  They were pretty badly smashed, but the experts were able to put them back together and get a pretty good idea of what they looked like.
They matched no known species!  Then one crewman commented they looked like the ancient humans in his National Geographic. I'm NOT kidding!  It's widely read throughout the galaxy!
The scientists quickly had him get the issue.  He was right!  And some genetic tests proved these beings WERE of human ancestry; five of them, anyway!  The sixth one turned out to be an early Ancestor of The Dawn People.
"Theoretically," the Galactic scientist commented, "creatures with brains this small should not be able to handle complex electronic equipment. But apparently THESE people can!"
As I say, this situation is getting weirder and weirder!

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