We have been conducting our own investigation into Princess Di's death.  By "we" I mean our Spirit Agents in the Paris area.  We had a fairly good idea almost immediately what had happened, but it took some time to verify our suspicions.
An examination of the victims' bodies showed that they were totally drained of physical energy, that not one trace of body energy remained.  There were indications in their vehicle of the presence of a Dark One, a demon.  A search was begun for the strongest demon in the area who is designated Paris 361.  It took some time to confront him.  When contact was finally made it was obvious the demon had recently fed.  When it was asked if it had been involved in the accident, it readily admitted it had.
"It was an easy take over," it announced.  "The fool was so intoxicated I easily controlled his body, making him crash the vehicle by being too reckless.  I didn't even have to make him turn the wheel.  He simply crashed it himself."
The demon was asked if he knew who it was he had killed, and he answered, "No.  It was purely circumstance."  He had been watching the driver for some time, waiting to take advantage of his weakness.  That he just happened to destroy two Workers in the Light while he was feeding does not disturb him at all.  With that, the demon fled.
No one knows exactly who Paris 361 was in his physical form, what drove him to become a creature of the Darkness, but he has certainly done the world great harm, and when his Day Of Reckoning finally comes, it will be a well deserved one.
This is a prime example of the dangers of drunkenness.  When we put our conscious minds into such a state that we have no control over our physical forms and leave them open to the control of those with darker purposes, we invite such disasters as occurred in that Parisian tunnel.  Is a few hours of unconscious bliss worth such a price?  Look what one man's weakness has cost the world!

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