We've found a great source on the Internet- www.spiritweb.org  It has given us HUNDREDS of addresses to check out and make contact with. But while going through it we came across the Healer's Section and realized, to our utter dismay, that we had not put Spiritual Healing as one of our fundamental beliefs on our web site! (As of May, 2,007 we have learned Spirit Web has closed.)We will explain our beliefs on the subject here.
Spiritual Healing is one of the greatest gifts The Lords gave Their Children. It is one of the most wondrous powers They possess. But we are often asked how disembodied Spirits have the Power to heal the sick. We do not think it is a subject that does not deserve further comment.
The Spirit World is made up of the surplus energy generated by all living things. It is channeled to The Spirit World by the True Believers through focal points that they create with their prayers.
Those in The Spirit Realm not only exist on this energy, but they can store it, purify it and through Their Servants in the material world The Lords Of Light, and, The Givers Of Light, They can channel this Power back to the living and use it to heal the sick, restore the lame.
Through the writings of many religions, testimony to these great Powers have been handed down. But how, exactly, do They work?
Spirit Healers use two basic processes to help those in need. They either boost the male or female's positive or negative charge, making it so strong that it disrupts the reproductive cycle of the bacteria, or, virus that is attacking their system, effectively destroying it so that the body's own defenses can then take over and rid the body of any new invaders; In essense, allowing the body to establish immunity. The Healers in The Spirit Realm can so attune this burst of energy, that it effects only the disease They want to destroy, and not the beneficial bacteria in an individual's body. This is very much like a radiation treatment for cancer but far more controlled, and less destructive. The second way The Lords Heal is by sending a burst of psychokenitic energy through the Healer to the infected organ of the diseased or injured person, stimulating the healthy cells in that organ and causing them to regenerate at the same time, dispelling the damaged cells. In this way, damaged organs can sometimes be restored to almost total function, restoring the person's health.
These Great Powers are NOT limitless. They must be used sparingly.
It is often asked why some are healed and others are not. These are questions only The Lords can answer. Sometimes it is because the Healing Energy is low and the sick person knows within their Soul, that it should rightfully go to others. Other times, though the person is very popular in public, The Lords know they are really evil, and their continued existence will harm others, so They withold Their Power from them.
There are other reasons some people are healed and others are not, but these are two of the most common, and it is not for us to judge why a person is not healed. For we do not have the knowledge that The Lords have. We cannot touch Their Souls and see what is within Them, as The Lords can.

"To another the gifts of Healing by the same Spirit."
-1 Corinthians 12:8

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