Our present difficulties with our web site has made other problems even more severe.  Sometimes the burdens of our Work become very heavy.
Since Christ's removal of all Power and all Workers from the American Catholic Church I am visited almost every day by the Spirits of deceased Catholic Leaders begging me to ask Christ to restore some power.  Almost all of them, in the course of our communication, makes the same plea.  "It is so hard not to listen to the prayers of the children.  It is so very, very hard."
It's sometimes very, very difficult to have abilities, to have skills and not to be permitted to use them.  But we are regulated by the chain of command above us, and when one of our Superiors says don't do this, we cannot do it, no matter how much our hearts ache, no matter how much we want to, we are bound by the oaths of obedience we gave.
These great Catholic Souls are right.  It's very hard not to listen to the prayers of the children.  It's very, VERY hard!

***These magazines are provided free of charge, but any donations to keep our work going would be gratefully appreciated! See our mailing address on the main page of this web site!***

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