The Grand Alliance has produced a problem that is really getting to be a nuisance, and that I really don't know how to deal with.
EVERYBODY that has ever been anybody of importance religiously, OR politically wants me to take dominion over their earthly followers.  Everyone from Christ to Hitler wants me to take authority over this group or that.  TWICE they have actually gone through elaborate ceremonies bestowing Their authorities upon me.  Twice I have refused to take these positions.
I am here for one purpose- to awake the sleeping Children Of The Lords, to make them aware of their heritage, and to lead them in the reestablishing of Their True Faith.  That is my function.  I am not here to be an authority over any other body of believers in any political or religious system, and I will not TAKE such authority.
These burdens lay on the leaders of these movements that now exist.  I will transmit any messages to them their particular Lords in Spirit want sent to them.  But the burden of carrying out what Their Lords want falls on them, not me.  I have enough to do.  I will not take the responsibility of others.  It's simply not my place.

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