(Part One)
By; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

THE ANCIENT ONE AND HIS COMPANION flew far south. They came to rest on the roof of a research facility. The Ancient One went over to a phone box, opened it, took out the phone, said, "I'm here, professor," put the phone back, and waited. A few moments later the roof door opened and a group of men appeared carrying four tables which they quickly sat up. Others followed them, laying out tool boxes in their assigned places, and opening them.
Finally five men appeared carrying metal boxes, which they laid on the table. A gray-bearded man using a cane came out the door.
"All the components you requested are here, my Lord," he remarked, "only I gathered them, and did the preliminary assembly you requested."
"Very good, Professor!" The Ancient One complimented. With incredible speed he went down the table assembling the components into what could only be called a ray gun. As he did so all but the Professor turned their backs so they could not see what he was doing.
The Ancient One examined what he had put together. "The test sample?" he requested.
The Professor took a small vial from his pocket and sat it on the table. the Ancient One pointed the device at it. A pale blue beam with golden sparks came from the device. The container glowed for a moment, then when the beam was shut off, returned to normal. The Ancient One picked it up and examined it.
"Excellent!" he remarked, "Excellent! Stand by, Professor! We should not be gone more than half an hour. Has the food and beverage been provided for the workers?"
"As always!" the Professor answered, "my Lord."
The Ancient One nodded to his companion and they again took to the sky to land in the midst of a vast industrial complex. The Ancient One opened a roof vent and looked below. The warehouse was filled with blocks of illegal drugs of all kinds waiting for shipment.
"Ax Man," he commented, "there's too many people down there. I need a diversion. But I don't want them to know it's us."
"Where do they keep the money?" The Ax Man asked. "Maybe it's time for them to make some charitable donations!"
The Ancient One smiled. "The vault's in that building over there, the explosives are in that one, over there."
"Ten minutes!" The Ax Man laughed. He changed into another form, shedding his armor and disappeared over the rooftop. Ten minutes later the back of the counting house blew away! Gunshots erupted and the men in the warehouse below grabbed up weapons and headed for the front of the complex.
The Ancient One descended, rendering the two guards unconscious. He took up the device and slowly radiated everything in the warehouse. When he was satisfied he hadn't missed anything, he flew back up through the vent. The Ax man carrying two good-sized bags in one hand, joined him. "Pesos!" he remarked. "They didn't have any greenbacks."
"Good enough!" The Ancient One answered, taking one of the bags. "Let's go!"

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