By; Dr. John KURLUK, MsD

The belief that one dies and is transcended to live again in another life time is as ancient as prehistoric times. It has been well documented throughout centuries of culturesand religious beliefs, most notably to that of the Pharaohs and peoples of Egypt. And into the belief of New Age, there are many that believe one leaves the body to 'live a spirit life; then in time enters into a new body or life. Many also believe that we can communicate with the Spirit of deceased loved ones, at times also seeing them in spirit form.
With that of December marking the beginning of Winter, it also marks a time for the dead, as in the dying of plant life so as to resurrect come Spring. And at this time, many religions thereby turn to the memories of their dead, most often with a sense of death as being cold, remote solititude, even that of suffering. However, little does any human really know whether the dead endure all these dismal experience.
Well, I am under the belief that the dead, 'live' better off than we do. I believe that once a person passes on, they enter a spiritual form that dispels all that they suffered (or experienced) during a living physical form. I believe that only should a person commit suicide, would they continue to experience the woes of illnesses or be damned to experience a harsh spirit existence. And I also believe, unlike Hollywood and what is reported to spirit sightings, our spirit form does not wear cloathing as we do in this existence. And nor do we leave this life to carry on any degree of intelligence as had been accumulated in our present brain, for I believe that the spirit realm is not based on the intellect of a person, but on their natural evolutionary spiritual flow in the universe.
Therefore, I do not believe that spirits appear for the sake of being known to what we call the supernatural world, unless, that energy 'wants' to watch over someone or become known only to those they had a 'very strong' attraction to in this earthly life.
As such, let me say, I personally have taken the opportunity to sleep in many grave yards, to be alone with the spirits, thereof. And I've gone out of my way to visit places believed to be filled with spirits. Ghosts, as you would have it. And I presently live in what I call, The Haunted House of KURLUK. And not once did I ever see an apparition of any ghosts. However, I will say, that by my experience one CAN sense the presence of a spirit, and that the movement or disappearance of objects can occur by the influence of spirits. As spirits are the 'energy of one leaving the physical form, and as we know, energy can be felt and cause objects to move.
As for the spirit world, there are many who would claim that they know all about this calling themselves Mediums, Spiritualists, etc. And it may be that they have the inside scoop as to what spirits are all about. But I dare say, most of these people know no more about the spirit world than you and I do. Meaning that they are a bunch of frauds, performing spiritual stage shows for their own personal reasons and gains.
But nevertheless, I do believe that there is a spiritual realm, and as with many of the super-natural and/or occult fields, we have only begun to scratch the surface of their existence and knowledge thereof.


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