I am asked again and again by radio stations what it is that Clinton's supporters have done that has turned The Kingdom Of God so against them.
Let us pretend you are a Clinton supporter who has just died, passed over. You have come to the Gates Of Heaven and been informed by Its Keeper that you are unacceptable, you may not enter in. You demand Judgment and you are taken before Peter.
"Why are you here?" Peter asks. "Were you not acceptable?"
"But Lord," you will answer, "I am a Christian, I have accepted Christ's Salvation!"
Peter would point to the wall on which is written The Ten Commandments.
"Your repentence is false," Peter will answer. "You have claimed Salvation, but then broken God's Laws, therefore, showing that you did not truly believe.
The first of these Laws you have broken, you have put a man before God's Laws. You have said "He is superior to God, therefore I will worship him, I will pray for him though I know he is unholy."
You have broken The Second Law, for this man has sworn an oath on God's Name, that he would tell the truth, and he lied. And you have said 'It is all right that he lies,' therefore you hold God's Name in no value.
You have made graven images, you have put them on coins and on pieces of paper, and you trade them, one with another, and you hold them of more value than you do the Things Of God.
You have made The Sabbath Day, God's Day Of Rest, a day of debauchery, of fornication, and all manner of evil. You have even allowed man to teach you to worship on a false Sabbath, an unholy day, for you prefer man's way to God's.
You do not honor your Fathers and your Mothers. You destroy Their Eternal Existence, Their Eternal Resting Place for the sake of this Dark One who you feel enriches you. You have doomed all you love to Eternal Death because of your greed and your acceptance of fornication.
You have let the innocent be murdered to make your Dark One look courageous. You have starved women and children, you have worked them to death so this Dark One can give you your pleasure.
You know this Dark One has broken the vows of marriage, that he has committed adultery and you say, 'Oh, it is permissable, everyone else does it, why should our leader be punished because he does it?'
You know this Dark One and his servants steal from the poor to enrich themselves, but you do not care, as long as you, yourself, are comfortable, what matter what they do to others?
You bear false witness on this Dark One's behalf. You swear by God he is guiltless when you know he is guilty.
You have coveted all that everyone else has. You have forsaken all to have your desires and in doing so you have sacrificed all. Go! Be gone from us! You know not God, you have never known Him, you WILL never know Him. Be gone!"
With this the anguish and suffering of those you have betrayed will well over you. You will flee into The Darkness. You will try desperately to cling to existence but the terror and guilt and pain will swell up inside you, and finally, in one agonizing moment you will cease to be, forever.
I am not describing what MIGHT be, I am describing what has already happened, and will happen again and again, unless those who are supporting Clinton can be made to understand what they are doing. The numbers this has happened to already are only a few, but in time they will be many; far, far TOO many.


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