More Reasons Why
By; Speaker Linda J. Polley

As we have mentioned, people continuously ask us why Jesus gave The Edict Concerning California And Hawaii. Unfortunately there are more and more events happening there every day to illustrate His reasons.
A friend of ours we met on the internet lives in California and is a Federal agent. He told us he was jogging through a park with his dog January 30, 1999, when he was mugged by gang members, who proceeded to club his dog to death for trying to protect its owner, and then stole our friend's sneakers, because they were their gang's colors. Our friend managed to injure the attackers who were later arrested. He, fortunately, will be o.k.. He admits he should have been more careful about where he went, but still there was no need of this happening at all!
After reading this and a multitude of news stories from that state, why do we need to question what Jesus did?


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