Copyright © By; Renee Hatfield

TRUST, do you really or is it just something you talk about? What does it mean to TRUST? It's an INNER KNOWING that somehow, some way, you'll come through that trial, tribulation, obstacle or challenge.
ONe needs to stay CONNECTED to their ESSENCE, not allowing anyone or anything to take you from your goals and PATH. There will be deterrents, but you must be STRONG in your FAITH because that vibration will enable you to conquer whatever that comes your way.
Are you totally connected to your INNER BEING or are you hanging by threads? Has the outside world consumed YOU?
As always BALANCE must play a major role in all ares of your life. This is especially true with TRUST. Usually you will be challenged on various levels and this is what will cause you to take a closer look at your life, allowing you to examine carefully what are your priorities. This will give you direction, for without it, it is as if you're lost, and your life doesn't really come together. It's as if you are in parts, like a puzzle, which is in the process of being put back together.
TRUST must be utilized and incorporated in your life if you truly want to go forward and make adequate progress. Are you LIVING or are you EXISTING? Do you know the difference? If you're existing then you're not taking RESPONSIBILITY for your life. It's your CHOICE, but probably if you're only existing, you're unhappy and complaining while making excuses for why your life does not function as it should. YOU SHOULD THINK ABOUT IT.
What are you doing with your life? Are you productive or just getting by? MEDIOCRITY is a symbol of not really aiming to do your BEST. DECIDE where are you going from here. Make it a point to LIVE. LIVE your life to the FULLEST. It will change your future and all that is part of your INNER and OUTER WORLD.


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