March 31, 1999

We are happy to report that 87% of those involved in the latest rebellion in The Kingdom Of God have returned and been readmitted. They could only stand a few hours' seperation from their Loved Ones. In small groups they appeared at The Kingdom's Main Gate and sought out The Gatekeeper, Joseph Smith, fell before him, and begged to be forgiven and readmitted.
Smith had already been given insructions from Peter as to how to deal with them. He first asked them if they totally renounced those who led them astray, if they condemned them for having them disobey the Edicts of The Rulers Of Heaven. They all said they did. Smith then asked them if they put their full support into The Kingdom Of God's war against The United States Of America. Did they support the efforts to destroy the U.S. economy, to inflict grievous and humiliating wounds on its military, to humiliate and destroy its corrupt leaders?
All those seeking reentry swore that they supported these efforts with all their souls and they would not be disobedient again, that they would obey all instructions given them and carry them out swiftly.
"Then you may enter in," Smith informed them, "but you will enter in at a lower place than you had before, for others who are obedient have been promoted to the places you once had. And be WILL be watched. If you break your word again, if you disobey your instructions again, you will be expelled, and this time the expulsion will be forever. There will be no third pardon, no third forgiveness of your sins. You have been forgiven twice already, you will never be forgiven again. Now GO, enter in, and do your duty!"
"Yes!" those who had been expelled answered, "We will obey!"
They hurried off to be issued their crowns and entered again into The Kingdom Of God.
4% of those in this latest unfortunateness still wander in other parts of The Spirit Realm claiming they were unjustly treated because they expressed their own desires. Sadly 9% of them, the leaders, have wandered into the concentration camp that those who first betrayed Jesus have created for themselves. They told those watching over them they were going to comfort those who had been unjustly forsaken, but the truth is they, themselves are rapidly decaying and will soon join their brothers and sisters in Eternal Death; fresh victims for that Thing now occupying The White House in Washington, D.C. More Souls to be counted in his eventual Judgment, more Souls for him to join in Eternal Death.
His power is great, but it will come to an WILL!

I was talking to a radio station this morning, WIYY, in Baltimore, MD, and one of the hosts asked what Those in The Spirit Realm thought of the situation in Korsovo where it was Christians doing the killing. I told them everyone in The Spirit Realm thought it was too little too late. The Serbs should've been stopped years ago! They changed the subject before I could continue, because I wanted to add "Let's make it perfectly clear, the Serbians aren't Christian. Very few of them will ever enter into The Kingdom Of God. Most of them will not even survive The Second Death. They are hypocrites, liars. They claim to follow The Prince Of Peace but butcher and murder. Like so many before them when they reach The Afterlife they will find their prayers and ceremonies did them no good, no good at all! It is too bad the people of The United States have chosen to be like them, to follow them to Eternal Death.

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