Again and again I am asked on the radio shows why would The Kingdom Of God declare war on The United States? What has the government of The United States done that Those in The Kingdom Of God would be so angry with them?
Well, let us summarize.

1. The government of The United States has sent agents into The Kingdom Of God who have rose the citizens of that Kingdom up in rebellion against the lawful legitimate Rulers of That Kingdom.

2. The government of The United States, through its actions have caused the flow of energy into The Spirit Realm to be disrupted. They are causing the destruction of vast areas of The Spirit Realm. They have caused the discontinuance of vital services necessary for the survival and the comfort of Those that dwell in The Kingdom Of God.

3. Because of the actions of the government of The United States, individuals in The Kingdom Of God are suffering The Second Death who should not be. By denying the energy necessary to save them the government of The United States is in essence, murdering them.

4. The government of The United States knows its current ruler is evil, has broken the laws of both man and God. But they refuse to remove him from office because they believe he is providing them economic stability.

These are the reasons The Kingdom Of God has declared war, all out war, on The United States and all of its citizens, save those who continue to truly serve Them. And looking at the actions that the government of The United States has taken, who can blame Them? Who can question Them? They are fighting for Their very survival!


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