We get several little UFO zines and metaphysical magazines often dealing with UFO subjects. I have noticed that there seems to be a strange number of articles appearing in them lately saying that human/alien hybrids are sickly, sad creatures that don't seem to fit in anywhere they are created.
This is a grave misunderstanding that I feel MUST be corrected. Nothing could be further from the truth! Human/alien hybrids are in most cases excellent! They function very well in the societies into which they are introduced. Those I am familiar with, The Mora, (in the science fiction movies & t.v. shows the little gray aliens with the big heads, short legs and arms.) interbreed with humans quite readily. The only oddity is that the male offspring tend to have more Mora traits and the female offspring tend to have more human traits! But they function perfectly normally in the Mora societies, and are considered splendid additions to their communities, and often sought after in many fields of indeavor.
Even those that we have had trouble with like The Ashtarians, are grateful to add human genes to their bloodline, and the offspring are almost impossible to tell from the natives, as the two races are so genetically similar.
Those in The Galactic Community are amazed by how interchangeable the genetic material from different worlds is if they evolve in similar temperature and radiation ranges. Some people believe that this might be the result of ancient travelers seeding many worlds throughout our galaxy with their genetic material, which has evolved into different forms, but is still genetically comparable.
But to summarize, human offspring on other worlds are not genetically inferior. They are not sickly and need constant care. They are strong, vibrant and intelligent, and highly sought after. These ridiculous stories to the contrary should not be spread to the general public.


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