#17. We wish we could say that there's only good guys out there in the galaxy. But unfortunately, just like here on Earth we've got some bad and good neighbors out there and we can't mention the good without commenting on the bad also. So we will conclude this series of articles with a description of the three major bad guys in the galaxy. Perhaps bad guys is a poor choice of words. Let us say we will describe our less sociable neighbors. The first is;

NAME- The Dawn Empire.

HOME WORLD- Satius (The Foundation)

ORBIT- Unknown.


SOLAR SYSTEM- Unknown. The Imperials allow no one to visit their home world, nor, is anyone even sure of its exact location. The exact number of worlds The Dawn inhabit are not even known. but from their comments on visiting other worlds it is believed their home world is very Earth-like. It is also believed The Empire even compasses 20 to 30 solar systems, so many have that many worlds under their control.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION- A Dawn could easily pass as human. The two species are almost identical except the majority of The Dawn are black instead of white. And for centuries it was the black race that was dominant and the white race that was subjected. Imperial Law, however, has ended all prejudicial practices, and the peoples now live as a unified body. Racial prejudice among their own kind, is severely punished.

POLITICAL SYSTEM- Imperial rule. The Emperor is the head of state. Each of the noble families sends a representative to serve on the Imperial Council, but that Council is only to advise the Emperor. The Emperor's Decree is final and absolute law.

RELIGION- Several religions....one strongly resembling Hindu, another that resembles Catholocism. But none are exact duplicates. Each has its own little quirks. There are also dozens of sects in each religion but each religion recognizes The Divine Ancestry of The Empperor as a descendant of the Gods who came from the sky.


(Cont'd Next Issue)


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