January 13, 2,000

We have run into a serious problem that we must warn our associates of. We have been posting information on different forums across the country and most have been quite acceptable. But we have run into a serious difficulty with the News Journal Online Forum, Your World Online, Speak Out Section. An individual posting on this forum has started posting fake messages using my name and email address. These messages seem nonsensical, perhaps even humorous, but they are extremely dangerous, and are threatening the very existence of mankind because they are damaging our credibility. This person may also be sending out emails to individuals and news organizations spreading such nonsensical information and claiming to be me. We would really appreciate it if any of you receive any of these emails to let us know and if possible, trace the person who is sending them. We have contacted the operators of this forum and asked them to do something about these false postings. They have not even had the courtesy to respond to our complaints. We are asking our associates to contact this forum and ask them to do something about this situation, either monitor their forum and remove such obviously fake postings, or establish a code entry system that will not allow people to use someone else's email address. It is unfortunate that such feeble minded people exist in the world. We do not mind criticism, we do not mind people not understanding our work. But individuals posting false statements in our name is not acceptable and borders on the criminal. This cannot be permitted! Our work is serious. If other people cannot understand its seriousness that is understandable. But to do such things as this is not acceptable. We welcome fair exchange, open discussion, but not this kind of criminal activity. And the operators of these forums should not permit it. It is not acceptable behavior. The fate of the human race at this moment, depends on the talents of an English songwriter, who is struggling desperately, to give us what we need to help save mankind. To be interrupted and blocked in our efforts by such nonsense as this is simply not acceptable. These forums must be brought under control, and the dignity of those using them must be upheld. Those fighting for mankind's survival beg of you, help us! Bring this nonsense to a stop. The website address of the troublesome forum and some of the eroneous messages are below. We beg of you contact these people. Make them understand the seriousness of this situation and have them stop this harrassment.


Posted by Gerald A. Polley on January 06, 2000 at 14:31:52: So the demon seed has replanted itself to New York. Now judgement will come on New York as well. How you ask? First, the New York Mets will win the World Series in 2000. Next, all the gangs in City will leave and move to Afghanistan. Then, Hillary Rodham Clinton will shave under her armpits and do something with her 1960's style hair-do. Then it will be well learned my words were true. May the chocolate easter bunny........woops....I mean Dark Chocolate Angel melt in your mouth, not in your hand. Farewell from beyond the womb. I mean tomb. isits (1 today, 5 this week)

Posted by Gerald A. Polley on December 31, 1999 at 21:41:02: Hello, from the other side. I made it out exactly as planned. Jesus was right on time and we met Mary for coffee shortly after departing. I am sending this via spirit-wave. Bill Gates' spirit is up here and has the most marvelous machines that work on telepathy. It's called "Clouds". I wish you all could be here, but there was only enough room for the top 777. We will continue to keep in touch with you people back on earth from time to time, to let you know how we are doing and tell you how sad we are you can't be here. Until then, this is Gearld saying so long from somewhere-over-the-rainbow.

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