January 17, 2,000

Again I must tell the world that I send this series of transmissions under protest. That I am being blackmailed into doing it because Those demanding that they be sent have threatened to dissolve The Grand Alliance and let mankind perish if I do not carry out Their wishes. I again say that these positions that They are giving me are not my place. I do not want them. I am willing to speak for any that needs to be heard. But I do not want dominion over anyone's people besides my own. What these individuals are doing is not right, is not fair. As a servant of The Light I must carry out Their wishes, but I do so under protest.

Speaker Gerald A. Polley


I am Muhammed, called The Prophet, and, The Voice Of Allah. I come to you this day to make a proclamation, to tell the world that that one known on Earth as Gerald Albert Polley is my voice, is my authority among men. His word is absolute in all matters pertaining to custom and law. By his word are men admitted into Paradise, and by his word are they expelled. He is not a prophet, but he is The Voice Of The Prophets. Of not me, alone, but of all who spoke before me, and gave wisdom unto man for the salvation of their souls. I now command, at this moment, that here and now all that follow Islam raise the cry "The Prophet has given us a Voice that speaks for him, that can tell us how our fathers have errored, how we have been led astray, and bring us back to that which the Prophet intended. Let us go to him, let us hear him. Let us have, again, the Prophet's wisdom."
And woe to any man that tries to say it is not so. Better he cut his own throat and silence his own voice rather than damn himself and, all that would follow him into oblivion by denying The Voice Of The Prophet. It is only appropriate that this one guide the people of Islam, for it was he in the beginning, that taught me what little I was able to give them. That he has come among the living again to teach them is only for the benefit of the living. And the living should listen to the wisdom of those who have had untold ages to gather it, and who are wise enough to understand that they do not know all things, but wondrous are the things that they know.
This is all I have to say to you. Let man know what I have said. Let it be spread through all of Islam that man may profit from the sacrifices of Those That Love Them. So that you may know that it is I who have sent this message I will send two angels to those that receive it, a male and a female, that they might bear witness that this message is from Muhammed, and true. Feel their touch, hear them.

Muhammed, The Voice Of Allah

FOOTNOTE: Now for some important things. Things are going better, energy wise, in The Spirit Realm. The only trouble to report is that there is still a lot of bickering and outbreaks of violence in The Kingdom Of God. There have been clashes between Protestants and Catholics, Catholics and Jews, Jews and Muslims, Muslims and Catholics. It usually starts when someone who had a loved one that took part in the betrayal of Jesus says something like "Well, you've got to realize they were misguided. They didn't understand what they were doing, they thought they were doing right." Someone would answer them and a confrontation would ensue. It is simply a part of human nature to try to defend those you love when they have done wrong. But up until now Those in The Kingdom Of God have never tried to defend any of Their loved ones that have done evil, but realized that their punishment was just and appropriate.
This infection that causes Them to question the justness of their loved ones' punishment is directly the work of The Dark One in Washington (Bill Clinton). Peter, however, has been understanding, and thusfar no one has been expelled for any of these clashes because afterwards all involved in them have apologized to each other.
What The Spirit World needs right now, is more energy. They want desperately to reopen their theaters, begin rebroadcasting earthly t.v. and radio stations so those in The Afterlife can keep track of what is happening to their loved ones. If we could only get a few thousand people to denounce their support of Clinton, to begin the outcry to remove him from office so Jesus will return to Earth, the flow could be restored, and The Spirit World return to normal.
We have had some very encouraging reports that a few souls actually have been saved because of The Christmas Eve Campaign. That some, before their deaths, told those around them that they heard the call to repent and accepted it. This, in itself, is miraculous! Look what is happening. Two boistrous, fun loving djs in the material world (Kevin & Bean, KROQ , Los Angeles, CA) are saving more souls than Billy Graham. A British songwriter (John Lennon) who was addicted to drugs in the material world is now holding The Kingdom Of God together with his music, and supplying the power through his work, that is saving The Kingdom Of God, and perhaps, mankind. If such wonders as these can happen, there must be some way that we can do more, that we can save more. There must be some way!

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