By; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

Last issue I mentioned that when Mr. Lennon returned to The Spirit Realm after his argument with my wife he found himself in The Hall Of Judgment, because I had been there negotiating for an individual to be allowed to remain in The Kingdom Of God while working off a debt to our people. A question arose on this. "If all Americans are banned from Heaven, why was I making such negotiations, and, why would I make such negotiations anyway?"
Well, to answer the first part of the question we are currently working as if the Edict banning Americans does not exist, prosecuting each case as we normally would, with the understanding that they will be held in limbo, that the person will reside with those being held under the Edict, until such time as the Edict is lifted. Then he will be permitted to enter into The Kingdom Of God with the innocents who will be also freed from the Edict.
To answer the second part of the question, when people are totally expelled from The Kingdom Of God and dwell with us they usually refuse to do anything, simply wander around and feel sorry for themselves. If we can get them some contact with Their Loved Ones under the stipulation that they, in some way, serve us, we can get some beneficial work out of them that helps everyone, it may be something very simple, but they become a benefit rather than a burden. So the whole thing works out very beneficial for everyone, and cooperation in such matters is usually easy to obtain. Those in The Afterlife are far more interested in beneficial compromise than They are in steadfast opposition. It simply helps everybody. If only the living were so wise!

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