December 9, 1999

Disaster has struck again! Bill Clinton's dark power to corrupt has again reached into The Kingdom Of God and caused 135,000 individuals to be expelled for deliberately sabotaging The Christmas Eve Campaign to save those American souls doomed by him. What has happened will take a little explanation. Wednesday December 8, I was doing morning interviews. The first one I did was with the Joe Show on WQAM, Florida. I began to notice interference. I was having difficulty, which I very rarely have when talking to Joe. It got me extremely curious. I then did other interviews and had no problems, whatsoever.
Then Kevin & Bean called from KROQ, California, and I again began to notice that I was having unusual difficulties. I came to realize that someone from The Spirit Realm was deliberately trying to block my communication with these people. I quickly summoned my Spirit Worker and told her to trace the interference. She aquired help and did so, and found three individuals who were obviously trying to block our Work. These individuals were seized, and questioned, and to everyone's horror it was found they were not working alone but were part of a conspiracy. They were attacking us whenever we were working with individuals in Florida and California because they felt we were violating Jesus' edicts against those states. They were especially upset because Kevin & Bean had put Linda on their Christmas CD singing John Lennon's song for the Christmas Eve Campaign, "Listen To The Angels."
Though it had been clearly explained by Peter to all in The Kingdom Of God that we were fully aware that there would be some comedy on this CD and some adult material, it was acceptable where it would be helping to spread the word about The Christmas Eve Campaign. That this work was permissable in California because we were still allowed to do charitable work there, and the proceeds from this CD would go to charity to help needy children, that the effort would well fall within the guidelines that Jesus gave concerning the Edict.
The CD was produced and we began to promote it, and noticed that strangely we were getting no response, though an Angel was sent with each message to encourage the people receiving it to believe and promote the work. What we did not know was that as soon as that Angel left Spiritual Agents working with these individuals were arriving behind them and encouraging the people to have nothing to do with the CD, and to stay away from it, deliberately sabotaging all our efforts, using the precious power given to us by Those that sacrificed Themselves, who gave up Their Eternal Life to save The Kingdom Of God, against us.
All involved in this sabotage were gathered and taken to Peter for judgment. Before Peter could judge them hundreds of thousands of their supporters filled the Circle Of Apostles before Jesus' residence, and demanded that their associates be released, that they were doing The Will Of God, and that Peter was wrong in supporting our efforts because our Work was unholy. Peter became enraged. " Take their crowns!" he screamed, "All of them that are here, all of them that have betrayed us, cast them out! They serve The Dark One, they serve the demon. They do his will, not ours! Their betrayal is unforgivable. Many of them have been forgiven once. They were let back into Heaven, but now they have betrayed us again. They have chosen a new god whose name is Clinton. Let them go and worship him! They do not know our Lord. Cast them out! They are banished forever and ever. They may never enter into The Kingdom Of God again! They are doomed!"
With that all involved in this new betrayal were cast out. It is nowhere near the number that were cast out for the original betrayal of Jesus, but still, that this Dark One's power can corrupt those even in The Kingdom Of God that he can still cause them to betray their trust, is unbelievable! There has never been such a vile creature! We do not know now, if The Christmas Eve Campaign can continue. Those in Heaven will be trying desperately to keep it on line, in the works. But so much damage has been done we do not know what we can do. So much time has been lost.
Our situation here is not yet desperate, but it is getting difficult. I do not know if I will have a job after the first of the year, as the restaurant where I am working is being sold, and I do not know if I will be able to commute all the way across town and into the next state to work at the owner's new place. We are also losing our ride that has been taking us to the laundry and groceries, and such, and this is presenting many problems. My shoes are literally falling apart. We have not been able to get to the second hand store to find new ones. Much of our clothes are in the same condition. Both Linda & I need medical care that we have neglected to keep The Work going. Now we find that all our fundraising efforts have been sabotaged by those who we were supposed to be working for. That all of our efforts have been virtually useless. John Lennon sincerely believes that we will be able to put the music he is giving us together into an album that will give us financial benefit. But I am losing heart, I am losing faith. I cannot explain to people how tired I am, working seven days a week at the restaurant and getting up early to do interviews and other work, besides, then, to find that it is all being destroyed. We simply do not know how much longer we can carry on.
The very people these individuals tried to keep us from working with, Kevin & Bean, have done more for the effort than any we have ever been in contact with. They have brought us more contacts than anyone else ever has, and these fools were trying to break our contact with them, keep us from working with them! What can we do?

December 10, 1999

The latest news from The Spirit Realm continues to be appalling. 45,013 souls who were expelled from Heaven in the latest betrayal have suffered The Second Death in one night, which can only be described as a mass suicide. To explain what happened, after these individuals were expelled from The Kingdom Of God most of them fled into The Darkness. Some went directly to that private hell that those who originally betrayed Jesus have created for themselves.

See Article #3.

But about a third of them kept trying to enter other parts of The Spirit World...the Hindu sectors, the Buddist sectors, even into The Spiritist Republic. As each of them did so, almost the exact thing happened. Someone would realize who they were and cry out "It's one of them! It's one of those who used our Loved Ones' power against us, who betrayed Those who sacrificed themselves! Drive it out! Drive it out!"
Immediately hundreds of individuals would mob the poor soul, start to shove it, strike it, drive it back towards The Darkness. It would flee and try to enter some other part of The Spirit World, and the same result would occur over again.
Finally almost as one, they cried out "I was doing God's will! I was fighting evil. I will prove my loyalty. I will sacrifice myself. I will give myself back to The Kingdom Of God. I will prove my righteousness."
"No! No!" their guards warned them, "No! You don't have the stability! You don't have the faith! You'll never be able to control it! Don't try. It will destroy you."
"I do have the power!" the soul cried, "I do!" and they tried to cast themselves back into The Kingdom Of God, but the moment they opened their souls they exploded, suffered The Second Death, their sparks did not go into The Kingdom Of God, but shot out into The Darkness, and burned out, forever, swallowed up by Eternal Night.
The Spirit World is still reeling from this latest incident. It has so affected John Lennon that he has removed himself from this week's Sabbath services. He was simply unable to sing under these circumstances.
"My music was supposed to save souls!" he cried. "It was supposed to awaken, bring the lost back to The Light. But it has destroyed thousands, and will destroy thousands more. I do not know if I can give any more. I do not know."
"No, no!" the people pleaded with him. "It was not your music. These ones were corrupted by The Dark One's power (Bill Clinton) before it was sealed off. They destroyed themselves. It had nothing to do with your music. Your music is working. It is reaching many. Please, do not stop! It is the greatest hope we have!"
"I will try," Mr. Lennon answered. "But I have to rest. I have to compose myself. I will try, but I am fearful, I am very fearful." They are continuing to try to counsel Mr. Lennon, to make him understand that it was not his music, his music is beautiful, his music is doing wonders. They could use help, though. They could use prayers.
If enough people prayed and asked their Lord to strengthen Mr. Lennon, to make him understand that it was not his music, but The Dark One's power that destroyed these souls, it would help. It would help tremendously. Heaven needs your prayers. The slaughter The Dark One in Washington is causing goes on and on. Somehow his power MUST be broken. We need your prayers, oh, how we need your prayers!

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