May 17, 2,000
Calling Mr. Masterson!

I got one of those strange visits last night from Lord Peter which is very hard to explain to others. He appeared to me in my dreams and said "Demetrius, look upon this!" And he showed me a picture of the man who used to play Bat Masterson on television. Lord Peter then continued. "Demetrius, this is the one you need to lead the struggle against those who have sold their children to perversion in Vermont. He has lost a beloved child to these foul creatures that destroy souls. His child was led into their perversion, then destroyed by their sickness. Tell all those that you speak through that you call this one, that he is called to God's Service to fight the evil that destroyed his child. That the voices he hears are not of the Darkness, but of the Light, that they are the cries of the innocent who have been destroyed by evil asking him to come forth and battle that that has destroyed them. Tell him not to listen to those that say he should forgive and understand. For they are the voices of the Darkness, the voices of evil. Tell all those you speak through Demetrius, tell them that this one is called forth. Tell them immediately!"
With this Lord Peter left. We hadn't been planning to do any mid week emails, but as Lord Peter said to send this call out immediately, of course I have to comply. So we are looking for a man named Masterson, apparently quite well to do. Maybe a millionaire, who has lost a child to homosexuality. If anybody knows of this person, kindly refer him to us. Kindly tell him of Lord Peter's message.

May 19, 2,000
Bush Is Out

ABC News in Tampa called Thursday. We had a good talk. They asked what Those in The Spirit World thought of George W. Bush as the presidential candidate where they do not like Gore. Unfortunately, as far as The Kingdom Of God is concerned, Bush is simply just another dirty politician. They had some interest in him for a while, but his support of open trade with China, which he knows full well, would destroy many American companies and benefit only a chosen few, has blown him right out of the water as far as Those in The Afterlife are concerned. He is another who will support any cause if he thinks it is politically favorable, and will give him power, no matter what it will do to his own people, or, the people of other countries. The American people cannot compete with the slave system in China. The big companies that have built their factories there are taking unfair advantage of the people of The United States, and, the people of China. For their support of the Chinese government insures the continuance of the slave state. The Dark One (Bill Clinton) is making the American people think all this is beneficial to them. They do not realize that it is all a plot to strengthen China until it feels it can militarily take on the world, and then begin a bitter war that will kill millions. It is history repeating itself, but the people can't see the paralells between what is happening now, with China, and what happened with Japan before World War Two.
Must it come again to the point where Chinese planes are dropping American made bombs on American troops as the Japanese dropped American made bombs on Pearl Harbor? Are the people so blind, are they so ignorant that they cannot see? Apparently it is so. We wish it was not. But they are lambs being led to the slaughter prancing happily in the fields, unaware they are about to die. What fools these mortals be.
The Kingdom Of God desperately seeks a political candidate to oppose Gore They can support. One who would uphold Their principles, stand for what They believe in. But the American political system does not seem to be able to produce anyone They can support. The call should be going out all across the country to find someone favorable, and to get him or her elected.
We must remind people again, that a vote for Al Gore or Hillary Clinton is a vote against Jesus. If either one of them is elected to the offices they seek, Jesus will never return to Earth, will abandon mankind completely, forever, because mankind has chosen to follow The Darkness rather than The Light. It was Jesus' desire to remain with mankind, forever. But mankind has chosen to reject Him. Isn't there somewhere in the Republican Party a man or woman of substance, of truth and honor that The Kingdom Of God can support? Surely there must be! There HAS to be! For more information about The Kingdom Of God's preferences in a political candidate visit the Heaven's Perfect Political Party Platform web site at;


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