May 9, 2,001
Pope Causes Riots In Heaven

Pope's support of Palestinians brings riots in The Afterlife.  As word of The Pope's support of the Palestinians spread through The Kingdom Of God (Heaven), immediate condemnation came from Lord Peter.  He condemned The Pope bitterly saying that despite all the good works he was trying to do, because of his betrayal of The People Of Israel he would never be allowed in The Kingdom of God.
As any peoples would in such a situation, some Catholics tried to defend The Pope, saying that he was simply a kind, gentle, and loving old man who simply could not understand why some land could not be sacrificed for the sake of peace, why the people of God could not share The Holy Land with one another.
In normal circumstances such comments might bring discussion and discourse.  But in the present circumstances they brought violent confrontations between the Catholics making these comments, and every other society in The Kingdom Of God, including the Muslims and the Palestinians who support the Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan of a seperate homeland for the Palestinians outside of Israel.

The violent confrontations lasted for many hours doing much damage to many sectors of The Kingdom Of God, until the situation was finally brought under control.  Lord Peter condemned everyone equally for succumbing to The Dark One's (Bill Clinton's) power and fighting one another.  He told the Catholics that it was basically understood that what they said was true.  But that did not lessen the heresy that The Pope and many of his followers are willing to sacrifice Israel and even Jerusalem to gain world prestige.
"This," he explained, "can't be tolerated.  They know what they are doing is against The Will of God. But they feel they are superior to God.  This can never be tolerated!"
Things have quieted down.  Precious energy that should be spent for other things is being used to repair the damage.  But again it has been shown that The Dark One's power can still corrupt even The Kingdom Of God.  Things are getting better, but we have a LONG way to go.

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