20 When he was sure all was well at the tomb he found the need for sleep overpowering. He returned to the house and found willing hands to help him undo his armor. As he fell to sleep Peter stood over him. "Of all the men in the world," he remarked, "I should hate this one above all others. But the pain of this day is as great in him as it is in us, and perhaps, even moreso. For it was He that had to see that His Will was done. And he tried harder than any of us to keep it from happening.
21 I hate Rome! I will always despise Rome. But I will always love this Roman."
22 Mary came over and put her hand on the big man's shoulder. "Can we ever," she remarked, "not love someone that He loved?"
23 They went away so they would not disturb the rest of their friend.
24 So the hours passed until that Hour neared that Demetrius knew was coming. He made his way to the tomb, that he might bear witness to it.

Chapter Sixty-Seven

Barely had he arrived and the guards greeted him, than the ground began to tremble. The great stone that was before the tomb rolled away like a great hand had lifted it. A figure surrounded in golden light emerged from the tomb and rose skyward.
2 The guards, in terror, fell to the ground and covered their heads. Only Demetrius kept his place when the light faded. The others rushed off to report what they had seen.
3 Demetrius entered into the tomb and found the shroud that Jesus had been wrapped in. He heard a noise from outside and turned to see Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James, and one of the other women approaching. He concealed himself as they peered inside. Then they ran away to fetch the apostles.
4 Peter and some of the others came. They, too, looked within, seeing the shroud and the napkin which had laid over His face neatly folded, lying on The Resting Place.
5 They went back to tell the others, but Mary Magdalene stayed by the sepulcher weeping. She knelt down and looked inside.
6 Demetrius revealed himself, but in the Glory of That Place his true self showed from within. Mary perceived him not as her friend, but as one of Those from Heaven.
7 Demetrius said to her, "Woman, why do you weep? Do you not know what is written? Do you not know He you seek has risen up to a Higher Glory?"
8 Mary understood not, for she answered, "I weep because they have taken away Him I love. I know not where they have laid Him."
9 "Ask Him then, that stands in the garden behind you," Demetrius suggested. "Perhaps He can tell you."
10 Mary turned, seeing a man in the shadows behind her, and went to speak with Him, not knowing it was Jesus.
11 Jesus said to her, "Woman, why do you weep? Who is it you seek?"
12 Mary, believing He was a gardener, answered, "Sir, if you know where they have taken Him that was in the sepulcher, I pray to you, tell me where He is, that I may go and anoint Him, as is the custom for the Dead."
13 Then Jesus revealed Himself to her, saying, "Mary, it is I!"
14 Mary fell to her knees crying, "Lord! Lord!" and reached for Him.
15 But Jesus backed off, saying, "Touch me not, for I have been in the Presence Of The Lord and His is so great in me now, that it would harm you. But go to my brethren, to my chosen, and assure them that all is well, that I have been with Your Father, I have gone to my God, and, yours."
16 Mary rose up, rushing off to tell the apostles. Demetrius came behind her, bringing the burial cloths which he gave unto the women for safe keeping.
17 Now, Mary told the apostles all that she had seen, and they believed her not. Philip asked Demetrius "What say you of this?"
18 "I say," Demetrius answered, "you knew what was to occur before I. Why ask me? You know what is written."
19 Then in that same evening when the disciples had shut up the house in fear of the Jews and there was no way that anyone could enter, Jesus appeared before them in the very middle of the room and said to them, "Peace be with you, always."
20 He showed them His hands, the wound in His side, and they knew it was Him. They sat for some time and talked.
21 He blessed each one, man, woman, and child, and assigned to them a place where they were to go and teach.
22 But Peter He gave no place, saying, "Your feet shall know no rest. You shall go to and fro unto all the world, rarely will you and your wife sleep in the same bed twice until she departs from you to be with the Father. For she shall go before you doing God's Glory.
23 Now, peace be with you, as my Father has sent me even so I send you, and know that what power He has given me, He also, gives to you.
24 Tarry you here a while longer. The Holy Spirit is being prepared for you. When it is ready it will be given you. Then, no matter whose sins you forgive they will be forgiven them.
25 Whosoever sins you condemn, they, also, shall be condemned. Let no man doubt what I have said to you."

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