31 Be counted with the Blessed, not with the Damned.
32 These things I have told you, not that you be afraid, but that you enjoy life and enjoy it more abundantly and forever.
33 Let other men call you foolish, let them say you hold fast to the old. Let them say you know not wisdom for they are the foolish and you are the wise. And you know the wisdom you hold.
34 I have given you Heaven. I cannot make you take it. You must take it of your own free will, or take it not. I cannot do it for you, for then if I did, it would mean little to you.
35 I, instead, have given you the means of possessing it, that you may choose to possess it yourself. I pray to the Father that you so choose.
36 I depart from you and in a short time my sons and my daughters, the Glory of The Holy Spirit, will descend upon you. And when It does, use it as The Father and I have intended that you use it.
37 And if this is done though all pass away, in a future time it will be remembered, and all that was in your hearts will not be forgotten.
38 As I have said, so must it be. I bid unto you peace and joy."
39 And with this Jesus spread His arms and ascended into Heaven. And a voice From Heaven cried, "My beloved Son goes on to teach other nations. As He has done before you, go you, also, and do. And surely, I shall bless you."
40 And Jesus did present Himself unto others that knew The Light, then ascended into Heaven, that He might judge that that He had done.


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