November 12, 2,001
Heaven Needs Some Heroes

President Bush says we are fighting for the existence of civilization, which isn't quite true.  We are not only fighting for the existence of civilization we are fighting for existence, itself, and have very nearly lost the battle!  Only in the last few weeks since The World Trade Center attack have things really begun to turn around, and hope begun to return to The Afterlife.  Millions of Souls have been lost.  The Dark One (Bill Clinton) has destroyed the very foundation of The Kingdom Of God. He convinced many of Its Leaders to betray Jesus for economic security, and then to have Their Father's Traditions, forsaking The Kingdom Of God for a false Christ, to have their own way, causing their eternal destruction.
We have won some major victories, but we have not won the war.  One Soul keeps the battle going, one individual keeps hope alive in The Afterlife, and that is John Lennon.  His strength, his determination, his belief, has kept The Afterlife from collapsing, kept it alive.  Heaven needed a hero, needed someone to come forth and join the battle, and that hero came forth and Heaven is holding Its ground.  But as it has a hero in The Spirit Realm, it desperately needs heroes in the material realm.  Its battle must be carried to the living.  It's Cause must be made known to all the world.  Mankind must be saved.  A campaign must be begun to have The Kingdom Of God's Peace Proposal For The Middle East proclaimed throughout the world for mankind to be made aware that it is their only hope.  Jesus works with President Bush every day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, trying to get him to give up The Dark One's betrayal of The Kingdom Of God by supporting a Palestinian homeland inside of Israel and to have him accept the Kingdom Of God's proposal for a Palestinian homeland outside of Israel.  This is the only hope mankind has, the only thing that will end this age-old conflict.
The Palestinians and The Islamic People stand at a fork in the road where they are choosing existence or non- existence.  If they take the path of destruction for Israel, and the establishment of their homeland within the boundaries of Israel, denying God's Commands, they will lead the rest of Islam, and all of mankind, into Eternal Death.  They have only these two choices, these two possibilities; accept a homeland outside of Israel, or accept eternal destruction for the entire human race.  That's it!  There's nothing else!  It's one or the other!  And all the world has to know what's going on, what's happening.  There's simply no other alternative.  If we don't stop the current Mid East Peace Process, if The Palestinians gain a homeland inside of Israel, and take control of part of Jerusalem, the human race is doomed.  If The Palestinians accept a homeland outside of Israel according to The Kingdom Of God's Wishes, the human race will survive.  The Dark One's power will be broken, and slowly peace will come to the world.  The Palestinians are choosing the fate of mankind, and they must be made to understand the choice they are making.  The world must be made to understand the choice they are making if they wish to survive.
This is indeed, mankind's darkest hour.  We have a hero in The Afterlife who is doing his best to save the world. Now we need heroes in the material world to stand up and be Heaven's Heroes there and insure the continued existence of all of mankind.  There is simply no other alternative.  If those heroes don't start coming forth, don't start speaking out, in time there will be no human race.  Earth will be a dead, lifeless world, its promise gone forever.  Is this what The Palestinians want?  Is this what they want to be responsible for?  Is Israel really that important to them, that they will kill everyone for it, destroy everything that exists for it?  Are they really that insane?
Here is the address for The Kingdom Of God's Peace Proposal.  It has been accepted by all Those in The Afterlife.  It has been completely agreed to.  It will save the world.  Is it not better than the way of man, which will destroy the world?  Will you not speak up and say "The Way Of God is better, the way of peace is better than the way of conquest? Let us have eternal peace.  Let us live forever and go to the stars.

Yours In The Service Of The Ruler Of Heaven,
Now And Forever,

Muhammed, Called The Prophet

FOOTNOTE: Our documentary director, Barney Snow, has produced a web site promoting his work on John Lennon's struggle to overcome Al Gore and make George Bush President, thereby giving us a fighting chance to save mankind.  We think he's done an excellent job!  Come and check it out!

(This web site is no longer available.)

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