are unfit to even be called a man!  You are a coward who strikes the helpless in front of his friends, to show his might.  I curse the blood in my veins, I curse the seed from which I come, for it is evil!"
21  And Mashad cried, "What evil sorcery is this?  What power has the demon that walks with this Muhammed, that he turns a loving son against his father, and divides a righteous house?  This man is evil.  Why do you follow him?"
22  And one of Muhammed's men raised his sword and came forward to strike. But Muhammed put his hand on his chest and pushed him back.  "There will be no bloodshed today!"  Muhammed promised, "There will be much bloodshed, but not today.  Now come, let us depart!"
23  Suddenly a young woman broke from among Mashad's wives, rushed over, to Muhammed and fell at his feet.  "Great protector of daughters!"  she cried, "I have no father.  This man bought me from my elderly mother for ten pieces of silver, and I despise him.  He has done worse to me than he has done to your daughter, for nothing more than to entertain his friends."
24  The woman undid her robe and let it drop, showing the lash marks on her back, then quickly covered herself, again.  "I beg of you, protector of daughters, take me with you, also!"
25  Muhammed looked with even more rage, upon his son-in-law, who backed off in terror.  "What is your name, child?"  Muhammed asked.
26  "Aisha," the woman answered.
27  "I put you under my protection, Aisha, gather your things and follow me."
28  "There is nothing in this house I want," Aisha answered.  "The clothes he has given me are rags.  I am sure the cast offs of your women will be better raiment!"
29  "Then come!"  Muhammed cried, "Our work here is done!  Let us depart.  And you two," Muhammed cried, "never approach my house, never come to my gate, for by the bruises that are on my daughter's flesh, you will die!"
30  And Muhammed returned to his home and told his followers, "From now on there are to be a good number of armed men at my house at all times.  The die is cast.  They intend to attack us.  They will find an excuse.  We must be prepared to defend ourselves!"
31  And he went to his servant Corriculus, who was a Roman, and had served in their army, and said, "I want you to gather long lances, as you taught me of, to fight horsemen with, gather the women, and train them to use them.  And train the younger men in the use of the bow."
32  Now, the old Roman looked at him strangely, but then nodded.  "If it is my master's wish," he answered, "but I should also give them some knowledge of the sword, if they are to fight.  The long lances would be of no use at close quarters."
33  "Imply to them whatever skills you deem appropriate," Muhammed answered, "when we are in the field you shall be the keeper of the camp, and its defenses.  They will be at your disposal."
34  The old Roman stroked his beard. "The strangest army I have ever led!"  he remarked.  "But if you wish me to lead it, good master, I will!
35  Two days later a messenger came from the leader of the city saying that Muhammed was to come to his court immediately, and bring his daughters, all their children, and their property, and the wife of his son-in-law.
36  Muhammed went to the court but he brought only his armed men.


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