Chapter Twelve

1  Now, for a day Muhammed and his party traveled, making good distance.  And they made camp for the night.  As they had taken many of the Meccans' horses, Muhammed did not feel they would be good to pursue. But his thoughts were wrong.  The scouts he had left watching the trails came into the camp and said that there was a vast number following them, maybe three times their armed men, on the other three routes!
2  "They make haste to get ahead of us," one of them remarked, "and join as one, where the four trails meet, south of Medina.  There they plan to challenge us."
3  Muhammed was at a loss. He had not planned a confrontation this soon.  Northern Star suddenly appeared, out of the night, came and knelt before Muhammed, leveled the ground, and quickly drew a map of the area.  As no one else could see him, those around Muhammed were amazed and they whispered, "God speaks to The Prophet as he spoke to Moses, and with His own finger writes for him upon the ground!"
4  Now Northern Star explained to Muhammed that there was a trail that cut across the other three, that began just ahead of their camp.  "Take all your able-bodied men," he instructed Muhammed, "and two horses for each.  Until you reach the place of the first trail that is called The Waves Of The Ocean.  And when the enemy appears, attack.
5  The battle will not be long, as soon as he flees get back on the trail and go to the place on the second trail that is called The Maiden's Crotch.  The second party will be there, resting in the heat of the day.  Attack them quickly, then go back on the trail again, and ride until you reach The Teeth Of The Dragons. Wait there and rest until the third party arrives.  Attack them and flee the way you have come.  But take your leisure.  There will be no pursuit.  Go!  Now!  Do as I bid you!"
6  Without hesitation Muhammed rose and called his captains, and they quickly gathered their men.  And one Captain complained, saying, "Master, if we take all the men, the camp will be undefended."
7  "It is defended!"  Muhammed told him.  "Come, let us ride!  God has commanded!"
8  And they took to horse, and rode through the night.  In the morning they reached The Waves Of The Ocean, a valley in the midst of the caravan route that had rolling hills all the way down it, that looked like the waves of the ocean.
9  Muhammed and his men spread out behind the hill nearest the trail and rested.  But less than an hour later the enemy appeared.  Muhammed had his men mount and told them "Do no more until I signal! And then keep a steady line.  Make no sound 'til I cry out, then scream like demons!"
10  So it was they rode over the hill and at a slow gallop began to approach the Meccans.  Suddenly Muhammed rose up, and for the first time gave a battle cry that would be heard around half the world!  "Glory be to Allah!" he cried, "Glory be to God!"
11  His men roared the cry and the Meccans turned to meet them.  But suddenly their horses began to panick.  Some reared, giving great cries, and bolted.  Others simply twisted this way and that, trying to back up.  Muhammed could see the reason, but others could not.  Northern Star and a band of Havens had materialized before the Meccan horses, waving Their arms and flapping Their wings.  Though the men could not see the Havens, obviously the horses could!  They were terrified of them!
12  The Havens disappeared and Muhammed and his men were upon the Meccans.  Barely three sword blows were exchanged by each when the Meccans cried, "We fight demons!  We fight devils!  Flee!  Flee!"
13  They turned their horses, dropping the reins of their pack animals, and fled!  Muhammed's men followed for a moment, but then returned.  They had no wounded, had captured the enemy's provisions, and taken three prisoners.
14  Muhammed selected five of the youngest men to watch the prisoners, and hide on the trail they had used, until they returned.  Then they journeyed on.  Their clothes were soaked with sweat when they reached the second group's mid day encampment. They got as close as they could, and charged.  As they did so, the Meccans' campfires suddenly exploded!  Great clouds of smoke engulfed them, and they were not aware that Muhammed was attacking for several precious moments.  And many could not get to thier steeds.
15  Again the battle was short before the Meccans fled.  They had one wounded, and taken seven prisoners, plus, the enemy's provisions again.  Muhammed's men were weary.  He gave them a few minute's rest before he pushed on.
16  Examining the Meccans' campfires he found them full of unburned basin pods, a weed native to the area.

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