Chapter Eighteen

1  Now, a few minutes later the Physician came in.  "Sorry I was delayed," he remarked.  "I was trying to make the children at least comfortable, and very strange things were happening!  I could have sworn I could see blood flowing back into their bodies out of the cushions, and their wounds sealing themselves!  But of course that's impossible!  Then one of the men came in and said the children out back were alive, were breathing, and asked me what to do.  And I told them to take them and wash them, and find some clean clothes for them.  Now, let me see."
2  The doctor suddenly stopped talking and straightened up, holding the bandage he had wrapped around Muhammed.  "What's the matter?" Muhammed asked, "Is the wound becoming infected?"
3  The physician shook his head.  "It's gone!" he muttered, "It's gone!  I stitched it myself!  It was severe, deep!  I worried it had slashed the inner organs.  But there's nothing there!  I can't find the stitches!  They must've fallen out!  I have never seen anything like this!"
4  One of Muhammed's soldiers came in.  "My lord!" he cried, "The men you's terrible!  We were going to move their bodies so we could wrap them and send them back to their families, but they're putrid, lord!  The stench is unbelievable!  And if you try to pick up any part of them, it disintegrates!  I have not seen bodies like this, unless they have been dead for weeks!  The flies will not even go near them.  They hover above them in great swarms, but will not alight on them. what are we to do?"
5  "Dig graves where they lie," Muhammed ordered.  "When they are deep enough, push them in and cover them over.  And when it is done, we will move the camp, for this is an evil place."
6  So it was they quickly disposed of the dead, and only the bravest and strongest could do this, for the rest were driven from the place by the terrible stench.  But strangest of all, the stench did not cling to the men.  Once the task was done they smelled only of their own sweat!
7  All the children recovered that were in Muhammed's camp, but their mothers and brothers did not.  Abraham came to Muhammed very distressed.  "It does not grieve me," he said "that these little ones are restored, it is only right.  But if they could be restored, why could not my son be restored?"
8  And Northern Star spoke to Muhammed, and told him to say this; "There was only enough energy to restore your son, or, restore the children, not to do both, and it was your son's wish that the children be restored.  For he had done his glory, he had fulfilled his destiny, but they had been cheated of theirs."
9  Now when Muhammed said these things, the old man bowed, and smiled.  "Yes," he answered, "this would be my son's bidding. This would be how he would think.  Surely, it is so!  As these children have no one, I will take them into my care.  From now on they will be my children, for my son's life restored theirs by protecting the one who has God's Power.  If any should come looking for them, that are kin to them, have them come to me, and they will abide with me.  I will find a place for them."
10  "It is good!"  Muhammed answered.  "A great man rules Jerusalem, and he makes great sons!  God be with him, always!"
11  Now, when they had remade camp, the captured nobles sent word to Muhammed. They demanded to know their fate.  Would they be ransomed, or simply set free?  Whatever ransome was demanded would be paid, but they wished to be free, so they could be about their business.  "Oh, they will be free all right!  Gather from amongst my men ten men good with a large sword.  Put these men to work who want their freedom, digging a good pit big enough for all of them to lie in, a hundred of Mecca's nobles, their captains and bold men."
12  Muhammed's men quickly hurried to obey, and several hours later returned announcing all was ready.  Muhammed went out and stood upon the edge of the pit that had been dug.  Finding it satisfactory, he ordered "Take all who were captured before our comrades were murdered, and stand them over there, out of the way.  We have no business with them today."
13  Muhammed's men quickly did so.  "Now," Muhammed ordered, "sort out all the common soldiers and, mercenaries from among the prisoners.  And when you are done, give me account of what is left."
14  Again his men quickly obeyed, and his chief captain came back and reported. "There are exactly a hundred, my lord!"
15  "Good!"  Muhammed cried.  "Now, strip this hundred of their gold and their silver.  It is to be shared among the widows of the ten they killed.  When that is done, bring them forward, ten to a time, to the edge of the pit. Make them kneel, and let the executioners do their work!"
16  In short order the bottom of the pit was full.  Muhammed turned to the rest of the prisoners. "The Meccans castrate," he ordered, "when they are healed, let them go.  The mercenaries, brand with the first letter of the word describing their trade.  Then give them provisions and let them go.As long as we do not see them again they will

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