live.  We ever find them fighting against us on the battlefield again, we will kill them.  They will get mercy this one time, but never again!"
17  One of the mercenaries came forward, knealt, and asked "May I speak?"
18  "Do so!"  Muhammed answered.
19  "Master, after seeing your Power, after seeing what you can do, we realize we have been deceived, and that you are truly A Prophet Of God!  If you forego branding us, we will serve you, for our food and our shelter, alone.  For we think it is better to make amends to you, than to be your enemies.  Be assured, sir, these Meccans will not quit.  Your execution of their nobles against all tradition, will make them angrier than ever!  You will need us.  We will fight to the death for you, and we will never dishonor you.  For we wish to enter into Paradise."
20  Muhammed thought for a moment, then nodded.  "Agreed!" he answered. "But you will receive the same pay as any who ride with us, and, a fair share of any spoils.  That way your loyalty will be better.  I rescind the branding, for all who will serve me.  Only those that will not will be so marked."
21  One of the Meccans came forward and knealt.  "May I also speak?" he asked.
22  "You may!"  Muhammed agreed.
23  "We, too, have seen the error in our ways. Only one who serves God can bring the dead back to life!  Our leaders have deceived us.  If you would insist that our wives and children be sent to us, and spare us our manhood, we, too, would serve you.  The rulers of Mecca are fools to fight you!"
24  "Any of you that would stay with me," Muhammed answered, "may keep his manhood.  But I warn you all, betraying me brings swift and terrible punishment..  Do not anger me!  Do not anger God!"
25  The men cried "Yes master!  As you command, master, we obey!"
26  Now, the next day the father of the Medinan captain rode into the camp with a great number of men.  And all feared a confrontation.  But he fell at Muhammed's feet and cried, "Master! Forgive me!  I knew my son's weaknesses, I have long tried to curb them.  I thought serving you might do him good, and mend his ways.  But the evil in him was too strong, even for your good to overcome.  And he has shamed you..  Though you have made it right, now my family forever will bear the shame of what was done.  For mothers have been slain protecting their daughters.
27  I bring you more to replace those you were forced to destroy, and the fathers of those others are with me, also, to make their apologies, and to swear unending obedience to you, and, God.  I know I am unworthy.  I should not have put such a monster in your service.  You should take my life now, for doing so.  But I ask you to forgive."
28  "That you admit your son's faults." Muhammed answered, "and send me more to serve, honors you.  Let us speak no more of it.  I wish God could have reached your son and made a true man of him.  But as you say, the Darkness in him was too great, and he could not be saved.  Let the fathers of the others say nothing.  They are forgiven.  And I respect their loyalty as well.  Come, let us eat.  Refresh yourselves.  Then return home with honor."
29  The men praised Muhammed and did as he bid.
30  And so it was Muhammed's army gained more than it lost!  And the mercenary's words proved all too true.  The Meccans went mad when they heard what Muhammed had done.  It was against every tradition to execute nobles for the deaths of common soldiers!  They swore a terrible vengeance, and gathered an even greater army.  But Muhammed's ranks swelled, as well, as those that heard of his wonders flocked to him.  Twice more he and the Meccans met in fierce battle, and twice more they were repelled.  And Muhammed continued to preach.  And men of every faith flocked to him, crying "This is Islam!  This is The Way!" using the Arabic, and not The Judean.
31  Muhammed knew his days were growing short, and knew there had to be an end to it before his days passed.  So, gathering his forces, he planned to march on Mecca.  No longer would they bring the battle to him, he would take it to them! And the Meccans knew the hour was coming.

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