Chapter Nineteen

1  Now, Medina was getting overtaxed with so many of Muhammed's people there, and Muhammed was concerned, that should the enemy somehow break through, he could massacre many before his forces could return. So he chose one of his followers, gathered the weakest, and, the poorest among his people, and sent them to Absynnia.
2  Now, when the Absynnian leader heard this, he was concerned.  These people were causing him no trouble.  They behaved perfectly in every way, and many there were interested in this new teaching.  But he did not know if he should raise the ire of the Meccans.
3  "I would no more of this Muhammed," he told his agents.  "If what they say of him is true enough, their writings of  interest.  But if the man says one thing, and, does another, I do not want to be in the midst of his battles.  Go!  Learn all you can about him, and return to me."
4  Now, the Meccans learned of this excursion and intercepted those carrying it out, and promised them gold and silver if they would go back and tell their leader Muhammed was a false man, that he said good, but did much evil.  They said they would have to go to Medina and see Muhammed, just so that they could say they had been there. But if the bribe was enough they would take it.
5  So, when they were returning home, the Meccans paid them greatly.  And when they returned to their leader they told him "Look, our lord, this Muhammed is a great, a wise, and wonderful man.  He protects widows and orphans, and does all manner of good things.  He does not even become intoxicated, and goes out, himself, despite his age, and leads his warriors.  All these Meccans say of him is false!  And they so fear him they paid us all this gold and silver to lie to you. This Muhammed would do you no harm.  If you were attacked and sheltering his people, he would come to your aid."
6  "Your honesty, " the ruler answered, "proves well of you!  You may keep the gold and silver that was given you.  I do not like those who try to have my servants lie to me!  These Meccans have made themselves an enemy!  I will send soldiers to guard the north so Muhammed's people will be free to go to the field.  And I will ask no portion of the booty."
7  Now, some of the well to do Meccans were in Syria, and the Syrian king grew weary of them being there.  And he feared the trouble they were causing would spill over into his land.  So he told them to depart, and return to their own country.
8  Now, Muhammed's people heard of this, and waylaid the caravan, capturing many of the nobles, and, their wives.  And one of the wives, a great beauty, demanded to be taken to Muhammed.  And she complained to him "The night we were captured your men put on sheep's bladders and were on us all!  Now, though I have given my word ransom will be paid, they will not let me return to my own people because one of them wants to keep me."
9  "If you will give me your note," Muhammed said, "that the ransom will be paid, I will see you safely to your own.  I will trust in your honesty.  As for the other, if none are pregnant I will not punish the men.  For I can see their temptation.  If any are pregnant, I will find the man responsible and have him castrated.  And I will see that the one who did not honor your word, apologizes to you.  Go back to your sisters and ask them if this is satisfactory."
10  And the woman returned to the other captives, and they discussed.  And she came back and said, "The time of women is upon all of us.  None of us are pregnant.  No worse was done to us than our husbands have done.  As a matter of fact, some wish your men were their husbands!  So, I would say, all is well, if we are, from this moment on, honored."
11  Muhammed saw to it that they were.  And all the women were returned to their own, and the ransom paid, dutifully.
12  Now, the Meccans were getting desperate.  "There must be some means of dealing with this Muhammed," they thought.  "Surely, there is someone that can slay him!"
13  Now, there was, in the land at that time, a great Prophetess, and a user of the dark powers.  And she came to the Meccans and said, "If you pay me well enough, and give me a great estate, and many servants, I will go and kill this Muhammed for you."
14  And the Meccans argued for some time. Their treasury was getting low, their profits dwindling.  But if this woman could fulfill her word, it would be a blessing to them.  So they paid her and, her, and, her brother went off to Medina, and soon had wiled their way into Muhammed's household.  And the woman had nearly tempted her

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