20  The Meccans knew they were finished, that it was over.  With the death of the one person who would not accept Muhammed under any circumstances, there was no more fight in them.  They turned their horses, gathered their camp, and withdrew.
21  Fifteen days later a delegation rode into Medina from Mecca.  "We have come to ask for terms!"  they announced.  "Our treasury is drained.  Many of us who were rich are now poor.  So many have died there are none to tend the fields. If we must continue to resist you, we will starve.  Be fair to us, we beg of you!"
22  "I ask only this," Muhammed answered, "all of mine that was taken shall be returned.  All that was taken from any that chose to follow me shall be returned.  And none of mine shall ever be threatened in Mecca, again!  All may come and go peacefully, as they please.  And my allies will be given concessions for their caravans through Meccan territory.  From this day forth any that bear my crest shall only be charged half what others are charged to use our roads, and to water at our wells."
23  "But all of your property has been given to others,"  the emmisarries complained, "that stayed loyal.  What of them?"
24  "I have ten times as much property," Muhammed answered, "here, and with the Absynnians.  They may tend these properties as my stewards, and give me 5% of their income each year.  I do not think this is unreasonable."
25  Neither did the emissaries!  And a bargain was made.
26  And so it was Muhammed and his people prepared to return to Mecca in a great caravan.  Courageous King Abraham had died, and his nephew Simon, had taken the throne.  But he was just as devoted to Muhammed as his uncle had been.  And when Muhammed asked him to join in the triumphant return to Mecca he readily agreed.
27  Parties went before them to make sure their dwellings were prepared, and with banners and trumpets, and dancing maidens Muhammed returned to Mecca.  The people went out and greeted him, crying, "Glory be to The Prophet Of God!  For he has proven his greatness!"
28  And Muhammed stood on the ruin of a great pillar that was in the midst of the city and spoke to the people.  "We were enemies, now we are friends!  Let the time when we were enemies be forgotten.  Let us live peacefully, one with the other.
29  I will not make you follow my Way.  I simply ask you not to bother mine that do.
30  I do not ask you to give up what is yours.  I only ask you to give back what is mine.
31  We can live in peace with one another, and all of us may prosper.  But if we fight amongst ourselves, we only weaken ourselves, and make it easy for our enemies to conquer us.  Fortunately while we were fighting among ourselves, no enemy took advantage. But that might not always be the case.
32  So, to insure the good of all, from now on, always let us be friends.  Then all will be good for all.
33  God is Love, overabundant, and, forever.  He did not want that we should harm any of you, and we only defended ourselves when we were attacked, and punished those who did evil to ours.  Respect God, respect His people, and you will have nothing to fear from Him, or, them.  Be our friends.  You have ceased being our enemies.
34  To show my good faith, I have brought a caravan of food, for I know your provisions are thin.  There is a goat and flour, and oil, and all good things for a feast for each family.
35  It is the beginning of the holy month.  Let us slaughter the beasts in The Name And The Glory Of God, and give thanks to them for their sustinance, and have a great celebration that now we will be at peace with one another."
36  And the Meccans were amazed that Muhammed returned not seeking vengeance, but giving them gifts.  And they followed his wishes, and the celebratioin became a tradition.
37  And Muhammed settled back into his old home.  Now, four in five Meccans supported him.  There would never be a threat against him again.  Now, he let the years pass and life became good.  The faith spread out of Mecca to all the known world, much to the chargrin of the growing Christian priesthood that did not like this Meccan usurper to Jesus.  But Muhammed held them in little interest.  He simply let the years pass, trained disciples, and prepared for the fate that awaits every man.  He was not official ruler of Mecca, but nothing was done that he disapproved of.

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