Channeled Through: Speaker Gerald A. Polley


1  My beloved brothers and sisters, this Koran is a gift from Allah that you may know what is right and wrong, and that you may be guided and strengthened on the path that is right.
2  And let me begin by saying that Allah is The Father Of Us All.  From the beginning of time til now He has watched over us, guided us, and protected us, and He will continue to do so til the end of time.
3  We love Allah, and Allah loves us.  We serve Allah, and in return Allah serves us.  We are not Allah's slaves, and Allah is not our slave.
4  All that is done is done because Allah loves us and wants us to be with Him, forever.
5  If you remember this great Truth you will do well.  Allah is love, is mercy, is justice, is truth.  And if you keep all these things, and make your life by them, you will do well, and you will be in Paradise with Allah, forever.
6  But if you follow The Dark Ones, the deceivers, who are hate, greed, lust, envy, and injustice, you will be destroyed, you will not know Paradise.  You will be lost to Allah forever, and Your Loved Ones will mourn for you, because you are no more, not just in the flesh, but in the Forever.
7  So harken to the words of this Koran.  Harken to The Love Of Allah, and be one with Him.


1  Now, my beloved, I will warn you of lust.  For besides hate this is The Dark Ones' greatest weapon, and can bring down the greatest of men.
2  Remember, oh beloved, great David, one of the greatest of Israel's descendants, who saw his chief captain's wife bathing in the garden, and lusted for her so greatly, that he sent his good friend to certain death, so she would be a widow, and he might have her.
3  But Allah punished David by killing her in childbirth, and leaving him an orphaned son, and killing one of his sons at birth.
4  So, David had to give the living child to the living mother, and that mother's love for that child was so great, that to put him upon the throne she made havoc in David's family, turning brother against brother, until she had torn the fabric of the nations apart, and set the seed of its destruction.  Such is the power of lust to destroy.
5  Never confuse love with lust.  For remember this.  If David had but asked his friend he could have shared his wife.  For both of them loved David greatly.  But in his great lust David did evil, and brought about the destruction of his nation.
6  Be warned, oh brothers and sisters, by those mistakes made by our fathers.  Learn from them and do not make them yourselves.
7  Allah has given you this wisdom, that you should not.  Do not abandon what Allah has given you.


1  My beloved, the time has come to teach you of jealousy.
2  Jealousy is one of the greatest weapons The Dark Ones have.  They destroy not only families with it, but even entire nations.
3  As I have said, the jealousies between The Children Of Israel and the children of Ishmael have long made strife.  But there is a greater example of the folly of jealousy than that.  And that is The Mighty Greeks.
4  Now, here were a people that built a great nation, that combined into a force that should have led the world.  But each city was jealous of the other city.  They wanted to make their god dominant.  The particular aspect of Allah that they worshipped they wanted all others to accept.
5  And they also wanted people to accept their particular philosophy in life, their way of doing things.  And their jealousy would not let their union be strong.
6  They fought amongst each other and quarreled instead of making a great society.
7  Mighty Alexander joined them by force, and they conquered half the world, but as soon as he was gone, their jealousy tore them apart.
8  And Rome, though a barbaric nation far inferior to The Greeks, overwhelmed them, and they became subjects of the Romans.
9  Because The Dark Ones kept them jealous of one another, they destroyed their unity and kept them from being the great nation that they could have been, and lost them the world.
10  Do not be like The Greeks, my beloved, be unified and be one.  Let no power stand against you and divide you.  For you are the servants of Allah!
11  You are The Light And The Truth.  Do not be jealous of one another, but rise up together, as one, and seize your place in the world and bring glory to Allah!

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