1  Now, my brothers and sisters, my beloved in The Joy Of Allah.  As We give to you This Precious Gift, this Koran, We must  teach you the dangers of emotions.
2  Emotion must never be completely cast away, but its wrong use must be controlled.  The dangers of every aspect of it must be understood, for Allah wishes that you would serve Him rightly, and, if you do not use your emotions wisely, you will not serve Allah, but destroy yourselves.
3  So harken to The Wisdom that Your Blessed Protector gives you, and learn from his glorious Words.
4  Now, hate is a dangerous emotion.  It is always constant and we must watch for it, that it does not lead into doing things that will shame Allah, and destroy us.
5  But there is a far more dangerous emotion than hate that has destroyed more mens' Souls than any other.  And that emotion is love.
6  Uncontrolled love is the most dangerous of all things, unguided love the most terrible weapon that The Dark Ones have.
7  From the very beginning, my beloved, it has ripped man from Allah and seperated him from true love.
8  Remember, oh beloved, Adam, our First Father, who was made by Allah and given perfect wisdom and understanding, and to whom even the Angels bowed in obedience.
9  Yet for the love of his wife, Adam discarded all The Lord had given him.  Allah put him to tending His gardens, and they lived in perfect harmony and peace.
10  And Allah forbid Adam but one thing...that he not eat of the tree that was in the midst of the garden.  For it would give him the knowledges of good and evil, and destroy his purity.
11  But The Dark One tempted Adam's wife, Eve, and she ate of the fruit and tempted her husband, saying, "Now I know how great it is to desire you!  Now I burn for you with an unquenchable fire.  This knowledge is a wondrous thing and should not be denied us."
12  And Adam loved his wife more than he loved Allah, and he took of the fruit and ate, and because he had become impure, Allah had to cast him out, to tend the fields, grow old, and die.
13  And Adam, for all his days, cursed the overabundant love he had for his wife.  For that that Allah had given him, was gone forever.
14  But Allah could not destroy him and gave him the means to Eternal Life, and, all of his descendants. Adam forever would long for that that he could never have again.
15  Now, even Our Great Father, Abraham, my beloved, was vulnerable to the excesses of love.  He loved his wife, Sarah, so much, that he put out his first born, Ishmael, and gave him an inheritance seperate from Israel, and this caused great bitterness with Ishmael, and his mother.  For they thought that Abraham had betrayed them.  And from that day forth there has been bitterness between the children of Ishmael, and The Children Of Israel.
16  But love is also a good thing, my beloved.  For Ishmael accepted Allah's love and the love of his Father, Abraham, and came to realize that his inheritance was greater than that of Israel.  That though his father had not accepted him as first born, he had seen to it that he was well provided for.
17  So he returned to loving Allah, and loving Abraham, his father, and loving Israel, his brother, and all of his descendants.  So, Our Father Ishmael learned to use love rightly, as all men should.
18  Now, my brothers and sisters, I have taught you of love, and you should understand both its dangers, and, its glories.
19  Properly used it is the greatest force in the universe.  Misused, it is the most dangerous!  Use love rightly, my beloved., and be well with Allah.


1  Do not, beloved, be false in your charity.  Be honest, and kind.  Do not carry in your pocket coins of useless value to put in the bowls of the beggars to make it look like you are being kind.
2  If you are going to be kind, honestly be kind.  If a man is in rags and you have an extra robe, give it to him.  If a man is sick, make for him a clean place and send someone to nurse him until he either gets well, or goes to Allah.
3  Make a place at your well where even the lepers may come and drink, away from those that are clean, and have someone there to draw up water for them if they cannot.
4  Remember what The Great Prophet said.  "If you do this for the least of mine, you do it also, for me."  And it is the same with Allah.  If you do for any of Allah's, you do for Him.
5  If there is famine, feed the hungry til their land is restored.  If there is flood, shelter those who are washed away until their land is dry.  If there are locusts, go out and help the poor beat them from their fields so their food will be saved.  Do not think that if you have plenty Allah will not be concerned if you do not share it, for Allah will be.

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