1  Now, remember this, my beloved.  There will be some that say they are believers, but they are not.
2  Remember the Israelite King Ishtar, who performed the rituals and called upon Allah, but when the people were gone he told his allies "I only jest to please the people.  None of this is true.  I have no faith in it."
3  And when his enemy came upon him he had no ally, not even Allah!  And the enemy breeched his walls and took him captive, and took he and his sons to his walls and hung them over the sides.
4  And his daughters and his sons wives they took as harlots.
5  Let Allah have the false believers, dear ones.  Their falsity will be exposed and Allah will deal with them soon enough.


1  Now, beloved, understand this.
2  There will be some who will reject the faith, no matter what you teach them.  Their hearts are sealed, their eyes and ears closed.  Do not be concerned with them.  Leave them to Allah.
3  Remember the Hebrew King Herabub, who said to his people "There is no God.  I am your salvation, I am your strength.  There is none greater than me, and any that say there is, I will put them to death." And he closed the temples, and forbid the priests to sacrifice.
4  And when the prophets came into his land to preach The Way Of Allah, he brought them to his capitol, and had them sawed asunder.  And he thought himself the greatest of men.  But then his enemies came against him, and his people deserted him.
5  And his enemies came into his castle and seized him, and they cooked him alive in hot oil, and cut him up, and had his children eat him.
6  And then they cut off the hands and feet of his children, and threw them into the wastlands, so the jackals ate them alive.
7  This is what happens, oh beloved, to the disbelievers that say they are greater than Allah.  So leave such disbelievers be, my beloved, unless they attack you.  Let Allah deal with them.


1  Now, know you this, my beloved. Not all who do not believe are enemies.  Some are good neighbors.  And if they do not bother you, if they let your teachers preach in your land, and allow converts, and behave well in your land, except for believing, then leave them be, and honor their borders.
2  Remember good King Zemba, who was a heathen and had many gods, but when King David was in danger he sat back and said "Now, I know this David is a good King.  He has always treated me well, and honored my borders.
3  This new King I know not, and he would worry me.  I would rather David stay King."
4  So he sent his chief Captain with his army to David's aide and David's enemies were slew.  And David prevailed.
5  Because though his neighbor was a heathen, and did not believe, he was a man of honor, and respected David.
6  See that others about you respect you, also, beloved, and it will be well with Allah.


1  Oh, beloved, Allah has a command for you that you must understand, for it is one of His greatest.
2  Do not steal your neighbor's water.  Do not put up barricades across rivers and divert them into your fields and let the fields of your neighbors go dry.
3  Do not go onto another's land and water from his wells so that there is not enough for him to water his own.
4  Do not dump foulness into a river that flows into another's land so that the water is a stench and cannot be drank by those who live there.
5  Remember, oh beloved, that Allah is The Giver Of Waters, and He makes the rivers flow freely.  Do not inhibit anything that Allah has done, for Allah will not be pleased.  He gives the waters to who He will, and you are not to interfere.  Take a share, yes, what you need, only.  But do not take what belongs to others. Allah forbid.

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