1  Now, my beloved, I will speak to you of obedience, and how important it is.
2  We must obey Allah in all things.  The smallest most trivial disobedience can destroy a person, or, destroy a nation.
3  Remember this thing, my beloved, and understand.   Remember Lot's wife.
4  Now, Allah saw that Soddom and Gomorrah were without redemption, their evil was so great that it had to be destroyed.  But Father Abraham and his children lived nearby.
5  So The Lord sent Messengers to Father Abraham, and told him to take his children safely away from Soddom and Gomorrah, for he was about to destroy them.
6  Now, Father Abraham's brother, Lot, lived in Soddom.  And Father Abraham feared for him, and asked Allah to spare the cities if he could find ten righteous people.  But Allah could not.
7  Then, Father Abraham asked Allah to send His Messengers for Lot and his family, and bring them out of Soddom.  And Allah did this, and all would have been safe if they had obeyed.
8  For the Angels came, and the evil ones would have been upon them, but They showed Their Power and blinded them, and led Lot and his people to safety, giving them but one warning;  "Do not stop, do not look back.  Follow straight after us and be safe.  Look back and perish."
9  So they left the city, and the destruction of Allah fell upon it. But Lot's wife could not obey.  She thought Allah's command trivial, and said "I will look back and see what is happening to my friends and neighbors.  I would know how God deals with them."
10  And she stopped and turned about and looked.  And the horror she saw was so overwhelming that her body became a pillar of salt, that was washed away by the rain and her Soul expired, forever.
11  And because she was not with her daughters, to guide them, they did evil with their father, and conceived from him, and their generations were impure, and were lost.
12  This, my beloved, is the price of disobeying Allah.  This is what happens when we put our own desires before Allah's Love, when we choose and disobey.
13  We destroy not only ourselves, but our generations, those who would come after us and glorify Allah.
14  Be obedient, my beloved, be with Allah, forever.


1 My beloved great is The Wisdom Of Allah! Wondrous is His Love and His Forgiveness! I will teach you now, the importance of repenting, of admitting your errors and asking Allah's forgiveness.
2  Remember, my beloved, mighty Samson, servant of Allah, chosen from his birth to be God's mighty hand.
3  But Samson strayed from Allah's plan, and began to follow the desires of his own mind.  He involved himself with the harlot, Delilah, and was into all kinds of mischief against Allah's wishes.
4  And Delilah betrayed Samson, cut off the locks that gave him his power, and handed him over to his enemies, who blinded him, and used him for their amusement.
5  But Samson sorrowed over his mistakes, realized his wrongs, and prayed to Allah for forgiveness, saying, "Our Great And Glorious Father, I should have followed Your bidding and not my own.  Forgive your son his transgressions and give him but one more time power over your enemies, that he might do Your Will and slay them."
6  So they tied Samson to the great pillar that held up the blazing altar of their false god, and Allah returned to Samson his strength, and he toppled the pillar, bringing down the false god on the king of that land and his followers, crushing them to death.
7  Though Samson, too, was slain, he had repented, and Allah loved him, and took him to Paradise.  While those who had worshipped the false god because of their evil, perished, forever.
8  If you do wrong, my beloved, while you breathe there is yet time to repent, and do good for Allah, and gain Allah's mercy.  But once your breath leaves you, and you have not repented, it is too late.  Then, the only thing for you is Eternal Night, death, forever.
9  So, remember, oh beloved, the precious Gift that Allah has given you through His Son, Jesus, the power to change your life, to repent your evil, and save your eternal Spirit.
10  The best to do is to do no evil, but when you have done evil, the next best thing is to repent.  If you have done evil, repent, my beloved, and be with us forever.


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