1  What are men, my beloved?
2  Men are what Allah has made to glorify Him.  They are what Allah has made to ensure the continuance of His nations for now, and, forever.
3  It is the duty of men to worship Allah, and to carry on His Glory in whatever manner Allah deems appropriate for them.
4  Allah has said that they shall tend the fields, and, the herds, build unto Him cities with great temples, and praise Him, always.
5  It is the duty of every able bodied man to defend his kingdom, to defend Allah.  Any that are feeble and weak should stay to the cities and help the women and children defend them.  But the able bodied should go out into the field and meet the enemy.
6  It is the duty of a man to take wives, and father children, so that The Glory Of Islam should increase.
7  But no man should be a shame to Allah by abusing the women that Allah has given him.
8  Any man that does so, is not of Allah.
9  The woman is to keep the man's home, and care for his children, and defend it, if she must, if her husband is away.
10  It is a man's need to be honorable, to be just, and fair, in all things.  And any man that is not should be put out of the brotherhood.  For he brings shame to Allah.   And no man should be allowed to do that.
11  These are the things that are right with a man, and if a man does these things, he should be right with Allah.
12  And Allah will surely glorify him, and welcome him to Paradise.
13  But a man that will not do these things, is a shame to Allah, and will not be welcome in Paradise, but will be cast out to Eternal Death.
14  Be right with Allah, my beloved, and be a man.


1  Now, daughters, you should desire a good husband, who is not feeble, and good in his profession, so that he will have a good livelihood.
2   If he has another wife, and he finds you desirable, you should first consider if you will be compatible with that wife.  If you are not, then it would not be a good marriage.  Quarreling women make a bad house.
3  If you are the younger, you should know that the older will be senior, unless you are the first wife, then even if the second is older she should accept your seniority.  For you were the first in the house.
4  If a man is widowed and has young children, you should consider carefully, if you have no children, and do not know how to deal with them.
5  But if you have knowledge of dealing with children and such a man is desirable, it is acceptable.
6  Now, if a man of dark skin should approach you and say that you are desirable, and is a good member of the community, and, can support a family, and your kin say he is an honorable man, and, acceptable, you should consider him as any other suitor.  The color of his skin should be no matter.  All that should matter is that he is one of the faithful, and an honorable and just man.
7  And the same is true of a man of yellow skin.  If he can support a family and is of good character, and your family welcomes him, he would be a good husband.
8  If you should marry an infidel, it should only be under the circumstances that he accepts The Faith, and becomes a brother.  No woman should enter a man's house that has false gods.  No daughter of Allah should live with disbelievers.  If a man will not accept The Way, he would be undesireable. If a daughter of Islam marries such a man, and he keeps his way, she has become outside The Faith, and is not of Allah.
9  Avoid these things in a man, my sisters; braggers, those who adorn themselves too greatly, and, those who indulge in strong drink.  These are not acceptable to Allah, and should not be acceptable to a good woman.
10  These are the things, my sisters, you should look for in a husband, and the things that should make them acceptable.
11  Remember, also, that you should not marry your father, or, your brothers, or anyone who is near of kin.  There should be three fathers between you and any possible husband, who do not share your father's blood.
12  This, my daughters, is The Way Of Allah, and it should be followed.

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