1  Oh, believers!  I must speak to you now of the waging of war. For this is the most dangerous of things, and if you do not wage war rightly, it is the thing that will separate you from Allah the quickest.  For Allah does not look favorably on those that make war on others unjustly.
2  First of all, beloved, never, ever make war on someone merely because they believe differently.  Allah forbid!
3  The Way Of Allah cannot be spread by the sword.  You cannot make people believe in Allah, it must come from within.
4  So if a people are good neighbors, and trouble you not, if they permit you to go peacefully to and fro, through their land, as long as you do not cause trouble, honor them, my brothers and sisters, and respect their borders.
5  Even if they have things that you desire, and you would like to possess, trouble them not, for if you do Allah will not be with you, and all that you require will be taken from you.   And for every life that you slay unjustly, a hundred will suffer among your own.  For this is The Way Of Allah.  Allah's vengeance, when He is wronged, is harsh and bitter.
6  Look what has happened to all those who have made war to conquer their neighbors...the Sumarians, the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Hittites, all rose to great power by conquest.  But someone else stronger than them came and conquered them.
7  But if you follow The Way Of Allah, no one will be able to conquer you, for your power shall be within, and you will not be destroyable, where those that conquer will be destroyed.
8  Do not let corrupt leaders lead you into unholy war, with lies and deceptions.  Better you fall upon your own sword, than follow an unjust leader into unholy war to conquer your neighbors.  For Allah's punishment is so severe that He will destroy the second, the third, and even the fourth generations of those that conquer.
9  So, no matter how much evil ones say to you "Allah is with us! Let us destroy the disbelievers!"  follow them not, because Allah is not with them.
10  You must never, ever, strike the first blow.  Let your enemy come against you, first, let him cross your borders before you attack.  Never cross into another's land until after he has attacked you.  Do this and you will be right with Allah.
11  This is a simple thing, my brothers and sisters, it is an easy thing, but it will cost so many their Eternal Existence because it is so easy for the unwary  to be led into unholy war by those they trust.
12  But you must learn, my beloved, you must learn and do right by Allah, and never shame Him, so Allah may do right by you.
13  There is no either or.  There is no half way inbetween.  If you do not keep Allah's Way concerning war, you will be unholy to Him, and Allah destroys ALL that is unholy.  So remember Allah's Way and do it, and be well with Allah.


1  Oh, beloved, Allah has given you the beasts of the fields to be your servants.  He has made them to help you till the ground, and to help you bear your loads.  But He has not given them to you, my beloved, to abuse and mistreat.
2  Any man who overloads his animals and puts the lash to them, is not of Allah.  Any man who works his animals to death and does not feed them and water them, to increase his profits, is not of Allah.
3  Those who mistreat their beasts most likely also, mistreat their children.
4  See that all who serve you, rather they walk on two feet, or, four, have enough to eat, enough to drink, and a dry, warm place in which to sleep.
5  This is not Allah's wish, my bretheren, it is Allah's demand.  Any that do not follow His desires will not enter into Paradise.
6  Any that abuse the beasts He has given them will feel the same torment that He has put upon his beasts.
7  When you must slaughter for food, do so quickly, and humanely, and Allah will bless you.  And the animals that sustain you will bless you.
8  But if you mistreat them, if you cause them to suffer, merely for your amusement, then surely, Allah too, will see that you suffer.  For to Allah the beasts are also His children.

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