1  Oh, beloved, treasured in Allah.
2  It is necessary, oh beloved, in the course of your lifetime, if possible, that you make a trip to the most sacred place, the place of my birth, and pay homage to Allah, for sending me, and to pray for your Soul, and the Soul of all believers, that they might be safe with Allah.
3  In doing so, my beloved, you will receive a special energy, a special Enlightenment that will make it easier for you to follow Allah's Ways.
4  A man or a woman should not forsake all things to make such a journey.  They should not endanger their lives, and the lives of their loved ones by going forth.  But if the way is safe, the roads protected, and there is shelter for all along the way, you should indeed, make the journey.
5  Now, if a man is wealthy, if he has much he should not only take his own family, but he should take his servants, and, their families, also, that they might receive Allah's blessings.  No greater blessing will Allah give any man, and if that man brings his servants with him to The Holy Ground, so that they may fill Allah's desires no greater glory can any man receive.
6  Even being slain in battle is not as great as bringing a true believer to The Sacred Place so he may receive his blessing.
7  Now, if a man is well to do and has already made his journey, and still has servants that have not made theirs, he can loan to them so they may make their journey.  But he should not ask any extra return on that loan.  Only that which he has put out should be returned to him, and not one coin more!  For his increase shall be in Paradise with Allah's Blessing, for he has done a good service and ensured a believer's reward.  And this is his payment.  Now, beloved, this is what you should do.
8  If, for any reason, some cannot make this journey in their lifetime, Allah will not punish them, and they shall be comfortable in Paradise.  But if they make the journey and show the faithfulness of Allah's Way, then they shall be blessed double.  And if they bring others with them they shall be blessed triple!
9  And woe to any man who should rob a pilgrim, or, cheat a pilgrim on his way to The Holy Ground!  Their horror upon their deaths, shall be worse than any that anyone else can suffer!
10  Even a man who has slayed his own blood will not suffer as greatly as a man who attacks a pilgrim.  There is no greater crime and any who are found attacking the beloved, shall be put to death.  No mercy shall be shown them, whatsoever!  For they are interfering with The Glory Of Allah, and they must pay the price.
11  Come forth, my beloved, my brothers and my sisters, and receive Allah's blessings.


1  Now, true believers, next to Allah the most important thing to you is your family.  And loyalty to your family should be above all other things, except Allah.
2  The Great Law has taught 'Honor thy father and thy mother.' But I add to that 'Honor also, your brothers and your sisters.'
3  For, unless a person respects his kin and does all right by them, despite their jealousies and their greed, if someone turns against their brothers and sisters because they think they received a better inheritance, or, because they think their mother and father loved them best, they have lost fellowship with Allah, and should not be allowed among you.
4  Any that speak ill of their kin without just cause, should not be honored among you.
5  Any that steal from any members of their family shall be put out of the society and made strangers.  For they are not of Allah.
6  If they steal from their own beloved they are of the creatures of Darkness that destroy Souls.
7  The only time, oh beloved, that a person should turn from their kin would be if their kin rejects the faith and goes to worshipping false gods.  Then sadly, brothers and sisters, true believers would have to separate themselves from them, and abide in a separate place and treat them as strangers.
8  But they should not be hated, for they are still kin, and unless they do evil against the believers, they should be left in peace.
9  If a member of the family comes to you and needs a loan, and the custom is to ask for ten in a hundred in return, for your kin ask five for a hundred in return.  Always do better, oh beloved, for those who are your blood.
10  If your kin should lose their home and you have room to spare, let them use it for a year without charge, then charge them half of what you would any other.
11  If your kin are without food, give to them what they need, and expect them only to return the cost when things are better for them.  Those who feed Allah's hungry should expect no increase for doing so.
12  Now, if you remember these things, my beloved, you will do well, and you will be right with Allah.

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