1  Now, my beloved, let us speak of damnation.  Let us speak of Hell.  Let us speak of Eternal Death.
2  The Great Teacher has taken me out and shown me The Place Of Suffering.  I have seen what happens to those who will not abide by Allah's Love.
3  I have seen their torment, and, their agony, and I have seen their eternal destruction.  I have seen them burst aflame, and be consumed, forever in the fires of their own making.
4  For this is the truth, my beloved.  Every time you injure another unjustly, every time you harm someone without cause, every time you threaten or bully, the pain you cause others is imprinted on your very existence.  And when you die, you have to suffer all the pain and anguish that you have made others endure.
5  This is Allah's Way Of Justice, this is Allah's Punishment for those who will not follow His Way.
6  The horror cannot be described to you when a Soul dies.  You cannot be made to understand their torment, their agony, and their despair, because there is nothing in your reason, in your understanding, in your way that can make you understand what happens to those that perish.  It is pain beyond pain, it is horror beyond horror!  It is desperation beyond desperation.  It is hopelessness beyond hopelessness.
7  The loss is so great because it is forever.  Those that thus perish never return.  Their mothers can never hold them again, their fathers can never kiss their cheeks.  They are gone beyond where any can reach them, and their fate is a fate that none wants to endure.
8  So, my beloved, do Allah's Will, be Allah's child, follow Allah's Way, for if you do not, if you follow The Dark Ones your fate is not the fate of the prisoner, it is the fate of the condemned.  It is the fate of the doomed.
9  So I beg of you, brothers and sisters, follow The Way Of Allah, and live eternally.  Do not walk, I beg of you, through the gates of Hell, for there is no return, ever.


1  Now, my beloved, I sit down these words to give you a dire warning, because of your jealousy.
2  Allah has put among mankind a special people, The Keepers Of His Law, and the foundation of all His Faith.  Those people are the descendants of Abraham through Israel, his son, The Keepers Of The Law and, The Keepers Of The Ground That Is Most Sacred To Allah.
3  These people have been appointed for this task.  It is Their Work from Allah, it is Their Destiny.
4  Men can trouble them, men can disturb them, but they can never take away from them what Allah has given them.
5  Even now, even while I live, I hear voices telling you "Israel should belong to us.  Allah should give it to us.  We should rule His Holy Ground.  The Prophet is mistaken when he tells us that it is to be Israel's forever."
6  I tell you now, my people, clearly and distinctly, so you will understand, and there will be no doubt in your mind for the sake of your Souls which you will lose forever if you do not obey!  Israel shall belong forever, to The Israelis.  This bit of land, this tiny inheritance is given to them by Allah, and it can never be taken away..
7  He has instructed His Angels Of Destruction to destroy any who try to put their mark upon Israel, who try to take any part of it away from The Children Of Israel.
8  And no living men are more powerful than The Servants Of Allah.  No living men can stand against The Angels.  They may prevail for an hour, for a day, for a year, but they are flesh and bone, and will pass away.  And the Angels are the Spirit and are forever, and will always prevail.
9  By the blood that was upon me I have blessed Israel, and, Jerusalem, and declared that they should never be disturbed.
10  Now Allah has me declare to you again, that they are never to be disturbed.  Allah has given you an inheritance greater than he has given Israel, and He will give you even greater things, if you obey Him.
11  But if you try to take what he has given others, if you try to break his word, if you try to make yourselves greater than Allah, then Allah will crush you as a man crushes a bug.  So do not incour Allah's wrath.  Be what He wants you to be, have what He wants you to have, and try to take no more than that.  Then things will be well with you and Allah.

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