1  Now, I will tell you, my beloved, of a strange and wondrous thing that is almost beyond the understanding.
2  In a far time long after my bones are dust, you will be led astray.  You will be doing great evil.
3  Men will have the power to bring down the fire from the sun and scortch whole cities great, beyond your imagination, a hundred times broader and, a hundred times higher than anything you have ever known.
4  Children will be slaughtered because air is made they cannot breathe.  And man will make sickness that will destroy entire armies.
5  And the world will be trembling, and the people will be crying "Allah!  Allah!  Where are you?"
6  And then in this dark hour, when you think that all is lost, there will come among you a wondrous people who will say to you "We have no gods, we have only The Blessed Ones.  We understand what you call Allah, but we do not worship him."
7  And these people shall be a great mystery, a great wonder, for though They will swear to you steadfast, They have no God, that there is no God, They will know God better than most of you!  They will follow God better than most of you.
8  Men will call them evil because they will not follow their way, but Their goodness shall be so great that Allah will love Them dearly, and he will permit no harm to be done to Them.
9  And you will learn that in time, They are the greatest believers of all.  Do not, my brethren, when these worshippers of Their Beloved come, hinder Them.  Do not stand before Them.  Never raise your sword against Them.  For if left in peace They will glorify Allah like Allah has never been glorified before, but if troubled They will lay Allah's people to waste...
10  They will be Truth, all that is Truth.  Allah will bless Them with a special knowledge beyond that that others cannot hold.
11  When The Sons Of Haven and Their Sisters walk among you, do not greet Them with hate and fear, for They are your brothers and sisters.  But greet Them and, Their Blessed Allies with love, and let Them live among you in peace. And if some take Their Way, do not rebuke Them.
12  There will still be plenty that remain with Allah, and Their numbers will outnumber the grains of sand on the sea, and The Winged Ones and Their Allies will take The True Believers to places that cannot yet be dreamed of.
13  Remember well, my beloved, this warning I give you, and hearken to it.  There are powers that cannot be defeated, men who cannot be slain because they will simply live again.
14  Understand my words, oh beloved, because when The Hour Of The Fallen comes, Their fate will be your fate.  If They succeed, you succeed, if They fail, you fail, for all eternity.
15  So when you see Islam divided when you hear voices crying "This is Allah's Way!" and, "That is Allah's Way!"  the only ones that will be able to save you are Those who do not follow Allah's Way at all, for They will be neutral, your petty squabbles will not concern Them, and They will settle your affairs fairly, or, They will settle them permanently!
16  The choice, beloved, is yours.  But remember my words and be prepared.  You cannot fight Allah's Angels.  And when They take flesh Their power will be among you.  Let it be for your good, not for your destruction.  So Allah demands.


1  Now, the priests tried to deceive The Great Prophet and turn the people against Him, by asking Him, "Should we pay Ceasar's taxes?"
2  And He answered them, "Render unto Ceasar that that is Ceasar's, and unto God that that is God's."
3  Now, my beloved, no greater words were ever spoken, and no truer ones.  Render unto the leaders of your land their due.  If they provide troops to protect your city and clerks to keep your records, then support them as they should be supported.
4  But if your leaders decide they want twice as much as what their services are worth, gather you together and put them out, and find men that can do a better job.
5  Do not be robbed by your leaders, oh beloved.  What it is fair and just for them to take, give it to them.  But Allah would not want you to be robbed, so do not be.  This is Allah's Way.

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