1  My beloved, true believers, I must speak to you today of divorce.
2  For Allah is greatly disturbed by the tradition that you follow, that a man may enter into his home and go up to his wife and say to her three times, "I divorce thee!" and be rid of her.  Allah forbid!
3  This can no longer be the practice.  No man can put out his wife without the approval of The Elders, and without just reason.
4  If a wife has been unfaithful a man can put her out.  If she refuses to do her wifely duties and comfort him, she may be put out.
5  But a man should also understand that there are times when a wife cannot give comfort...when she is ill, and when the time of women is on her, or when she is extremely heavy with child.
6  There are times when a wife cannot give comfort and this should be respected.
7  If a woman refuses to do her other wifely duties, and keep a man's house, or, care for his children, then she may be put out, but not if she is incapable of doing so.
8  If some sickness has rendered her too weak that she cannot do all her duties, this should be understood, and her husband should care for her because this is his duty and not put her out.
9  If a wife has stolen from the family, then a man may put her out.
10  If a woman has stolen from others to enrich herself, or, her family the husband may put her out.
11 If the woman has committed any crime that she should be imprisoned for, or cast out for, the husband may divorce her.
12  And these, my beloved, are the only things that a man can put out his wife for.
13  And the reverse is true.  These are the only things that a wife can put out her husband for.
14  If he refuses to do his duty to her, to support her home, and he has been unfaithful, then she, too, can go to The Elders and ask to be free of him.
15  And if The Elders find what she says is true, they should grant her divorce, and give her control of her children.  For a man who will not do his duty to his wife is not fit to have his children.
16  And no husband has the right, especially, to put out a wife who has waxed old in the favor of a younger, who pleases him more.  This is not The Way Of Allah, not the purpose for which He has made husband and wife.
17  And when a man divorces a woman, he has no right to her property, what she owns is hers.  If she has given him title to property, and she demands it back, because he has divorced her, it must be returned to her.  And any  monies that a wife has loaned her husband must be returned to her.
18  And if she has invested in an endeavor with her husband that brings in good income, she shall receive her share of that income according to her investment.
19  A man may not use the excuse of divorce to steal what is his wife's, and the same is true with a wife.
20  If the husband has invested in endeavors that she has that brings a good profit, he shall receive his portions of the profit, also, as his wife would receive hers.
21  Also, if a husband or wife are mad to the point where they cannot carry on their affairs, or are a danger to others, they may be divorced.  If a husband should beat his wife without reason, or even if he beats her too severely with reason, the woman can be granted a divorce.  The man is the stronger.  The man is the mightier.  If he has no honor and beats those he should love, they have every right to be away from him, and Allah does not deny them that right.  Allah despises the coward, despises the bully, despises the drunkard.  None of these are fit to be with Allah.
22  And if a husband or a wife should leave the Faith to go following after idols, or to worship in other ways that is not of Allah, then the husband or the wife of those who have become disbelievers can ask for divorce.  For they have violated the terms of their marriage, and are, to the faithful, dead.
23  Allah insists that fairness be done to all.  And if you will be well with Allah, if you will enter into His Kingdom, if you expect Him to grant you Paradise, you must follow His Way.  For if you do not, Allah will not grant you yours.


1  There are some things, beloved, so appalling to Allah, so dreadful, that He does not even want to mention them to you, and the violation of one's own children is one of these.  There is no greater crime.
2  If it is found that any man is forcing himself into his daughters, especially by threat of death, than that man shall be taken out and burned alive.
3  So it should be for any woman, also, that does such evil.  For she has not only defiled herself, but defiled the boy.
4  The boy, though, shall be unpunished.  This is the demand of Allah, oh beloved.

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