1  Now, my beloved, I must give you a warning.
2  Allah has Messengers and Servants who are not of this world, and They are powerful beyond your understanding, and beyond your way.
3  They are Winged Messengers Of Glory.  Some have even separated themselves from Allah, and will no longer be a part of His House.  But still when Allah needs them, when evil threatens the world, They will serve Allah because They love His children, even though They are separate from Allah.
4  What a glorious thing this is, my beloved, that Allah is so loved that his children are so treasured that even Those who have separated Themselves from Allah, that will not call Him God, serve Him!
5  Now, Those who serve Allah, are Allah's Love And Devotion.  They do all kindness for Allah's people.  Those who do not serve Allah are His Terrible Wrath, His Holy Destruction.  Those who, by His Power bring an end to all evil, not just in the flesh, but in the forever.
6  Now, these Great Servants Of Allah are winged beings.  The sky is Their domain.  And They see and hear all things.  No matter how much you think you hide something from Allah, They see it, and They hear it, and They bring word of it back to Allah.  So nothing you do can be kept a secret.
7  All is written by The Winged Ones in The Book Of Life concerning each person.  So, do what is right, my beloved, that They do not enter into The Book things that you do not want known.
8  And always strive to be in Allah's Love, for you do not want Him to call upon Those Who Serve Him with His Great Power to destroy that that is evil.   Better you had not been born at all than to have Allah's Great Destroyers sent after you.  For They will destroy not only yourself, but all your generations that do evil, after you.
9  Now, sometimes Allah's Messengers can take on human form, and come and speak with the living. But most men recognize Them by the Glory that surrounds Them.
10  And those who are most with Allah can see Their wings in Their shadows upon the ground, no matter what form They take.  Whenever one of These is sent to you, beloved, hear his wisdom, follow his counsel, for if you do not, you will not be right with Allah.
11  Remember, the Power that The Havens possess. Remember the Glory of The Angels who are Allah's Perfect Servants, Allah's Perfect Messengers, Allah's Perfect Warriors.
12  None can prevail against Them, no matter their power, no matter their Earthly glory, for The Messengers Of Allah are eternal, They are forever.
13  For a time the living can prevail against Them, but the living must die.  And when they do they are at the mercy of Allah's Mighty Ones.
14   See that to you They will be merciful.  Do not incour Their wrath.


1  Oh, beloved, The Angels Of Allah, His true and ever-protecting Messengers, have told me of something so defiling as to be a disgrace to all men.  But you must know of it, beloved, if you are to be safe.
2  As there is Light there must be Darkness.  And as there are Angels, there must be Demons, those who will lead the innocent astray, and cause them to do evil to feed them.  For they live on the dying bodies of those who have gone to Allah.
3  They will endure any pain to be in those bodies the last few minutes that they still have life after the Soul has left it.  This is their sustanence, this is their nourishment.  This is how they remain alive to do their evil.
4  They will encourage men to do all manners of evil to sustain them.  For they can also live on pain and fear, hate, and lust, and all that they can do to stir these things they will do, precious ones.
5  They will even disguise themselves as Givers Of Light, and tell people "It is all right to hate if someone is different from you.  It is alright to kill someone and take what they have if you have little, for you are more deserving."  They will say "A woman is only for a man's use, if you want her, take her.  Don't let anyone stop you."  They will say "It is perfectly all right for a man to be in a man, or, a woman to carress a woman.  For all manners of foulness do they encourage to keep their evil alive.
6  Beware of these, my beloved.  Be watchful for them.  If they can they will destroy your Soul and keep you from Paradise, for it pleases them to destroy the good. Do not let them destroy you, beloved.  It is the dream of The Bearers Of Light to make the world such a loving place that all The Creatures Of Darkness starve to death, and are no more.  Help Them, oh true believers, fulfill that dream, for it is The Will Of Allah.

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