1  Now, my beloved, I will show you the Power of Those That Serve Allah, the might that They can do to warn you how great They are, so that you will understand They are to be obeyed.
2  Now, The Chosen Ones, Those Ones that Allah has sat aside, had strayed.  They had made Allah's faith a thing of tradition, and they had put too much emphasis on sacrifice, rather than prayer, because the sacrifices brought the priesthood more income than did prayer.
3  And the shedding of blood threatened to destroy Allah's Chosen.  So Allah prepared to send a Great Prophet, which would be His Only Begotten Son.  But first He made a herald for The Prophet.
4  He went to a priest whose wife was dry and old, and told him that the prophecies were being fulfilled, that he was to go into his wife, and she would conceive, and the child that should come from her would be called John, which means The Before Goer, The Herald Of Glory.
5  And the priest did not believe The Messenger, and mocked him.  And The Messenger was angry and said "Because you have denied me you shall not speak again until the Child is born."
6  And the priest was struck dumb.  He went out and wrote in the sand what had happened.
7  And the other priests, fearing that his doubt had brought evil onto them, sent him to his wife to fulfill what the Angel had said, and his wife conceived, and brought forth a son.
8  Now, this woman had a young cousin whos name was Mary, who was betrothed to the carpenter, Joseph.  And The Holy Spirit Of Allah came upon her, and though she was a virgin she was fulfilled.
9  And The Angels told Joseph that this was the work of Allah, and to honor the woman as his wife.  For she was blessed, and would do great things in Allah's Service.
10  And so it was that by the Power of The Angels a woman who was barren conceived and bore a son, and a woman who was a virgin conceived and  bore Christ, who was Allah, Himself, made manifest in the flesh, and, who became The Perfect Sacrifice, The Last Sacrifice, so that man would never have to shed blood again to be right with Allah, but would only have to claim the Blood that Allah, Himself, in the form of The Christ, had shed for them.
11  Now, my beloved, if The Havens, if The Angels Of Allah can do such wonders as this, are They not to be respected, feared, and obeyed?
12  Should any stand against Those who can do such wonders as these?  I say to you, no!  Only a fool would stand against such as these!  And I do not think I teach fools.


1  Oh, beloved, Allah has sent me and I am Allah's Only Voice to you.  But do not think that there will not be voices for other people, and that from time to time I might not speak to them.
2  Allah has given me wisdom and wisdom is to be shared.  If a man is a servant of Allah no matter what he chooses to call him, I may well speak to him, my beloved.
3  There will be times when you have gone astray, when you listen to dark voices, and then I may have to speak through a Bearer Of Light to give you back your wisdom.
4  This one, my beloved, will not be a prophet to you, he will be a prophet to his own, but I will use him to speak to you.  For if Allah has made him to speak for the good, why should he not speak for me?
5  So listen, my beloved, and if you hear one saying "Muhammed speaks to me and Jesus speaks to me, and even Father Abraham speaks to me," listen!  Do not disregard all, do not say "This cannot be! For Muhammed said he was our only prophet!"  Allah will continue to do good for others, Allah will never be silent.  So listen for Allah when He speaks.
6  You might not, beloved, follow all the ways of these people, but the messages that they give you from me well might be true, and will keep you from evil.  So do not disregard, my beloved, but look and see what it is they say.  And if what they say is from Allah, consider it well.
7  Never reject The Light, and walk into The Darkness because you do not believe I will still be with you, for I will always be with you.
8  And some men, my beloved, may not even say that they speak for Allah, but they may be prophets, nonetheless.  They may seek the rights of men, and write great documents protecting the purity of a man's life.  Or, they may write great words that are called tales, but will have great lessons to be taught.
9  Look for wisdom, my beloved, do not shut out the world, do not be afraid of what others say.  Let your faith be strong, let your faith be unmoveable but learn and be taught by Those that are wise.  Do not let wisdom pass you by because it was  not of my time, or I did not speak it.  I do not know all things, I cannot know all things, I am but a man.  If I knew all things I would turn into a pillar of fire and be consumed.  For I could not endure it. I am not perfect.  So do not consider that what I have given is the end, it is only the beginning of Allah's Glory.

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