1  Now, beloved, there is a Lady in Paradise who has been much defiled by man, for they have lied about her, and said that she is Queen of Heaven when she is not.
2  They have made her equal to Jesus and, to Allah, and that offends her, and that angers her, and she rebukes all men that do this, for they are evil and unholy.
3  I speak of Mary, The Mother Of Jesus, the most beloved and the most adored, who is in shame because men in their ignorance pray to her, because they needed a goddess like the ones they had in their old ways.
4  And the evil ones gave them Mary.  They defiled her and disgraced her, and shamed her before Allah.
5  And Mary forbids!  She forbids any man or any woman to pray to her.  She insists that they pray only to Allah.  For she is a mere woman who has done nothing more than any woman would do for her husband, and her children.  And she is unworthy to be made equal with Allah.
6  Mary was Allah's Handmaiden, a hired servant who bore His child, but agreed to take no special part in that child's inheritance other than the part that all of her brothers and sisters are given by Allah's promise to Israel.
7  Mary steadfastly rebukes those who pray to her, and assures them that if they do not forsake this practice, if they do not say "I was taught wrongly, I should not have done this thing, it is not of Allah, it is not of truth, it is a lie of man," they will not enter into Paradise!
8  But by Allah's wish, because Mary has asked Him, because men have shamed her, they will be kept out.  So do not be kept out, my beloved.  Follow Allah's command, worship only Him, do not be led into false worship because some men have to have a goddess.
9  There is no goddess in The Kingdom Of God, only Allah.


1  Now, beloved, some have begun to call The Apostles and The Prophets saints, and have begun to pray to Them.  I must tell you, beloved, that Allah forbids this!
2  Mere men cannot be prayed to, only Allah may be prayed to.
3  The Great Prophet taught you how to pray.  He said "Always begin, "Our Father, who art in Heaven."  And I tell you this is as it should be.
4  But you may also say, "Allah, hear my prayer," and you have said the same, for Allah IS your Father In Heaven.  but you should call on no other name, beloved, you should pray to no one else.
5  Apostles and Prophets, despite all They did, were only Servants Of Allah.
6  They are beloved for what They did, but They are not Allah.  They cannot be Allah, and They cannot be prayed to. To do so defiles Allah and keeps you from Paradise.
7  If you have a Beloved Teacher, it is appropriate to name a Temple after him, a place of worship where you may go and pray to Allah as He has taught you.
8  This is how you honor Those Who Serve Allah, and you may begin societies in Their names, men who gather together to do good Work for Allah in The Name of one who served Him.  This is acceptable, but never EVER, my beloved, pray to an Apostle or to a Prophet, or, to any man or woman who is declared by some, holy.  For none are holy enough to take the place of Allah.
9  And if you pray to any besides Allah, you will not enter into Paradise.  This is Allah's Way.


1  Now, my brothers, some of you are finding it difficult to do what Allah wants you to do.  Allah would send you forth on missions for His Glory, but you hesitate because you do not think that you are worthy.
2  Remember great Jonah, my beloved, who Allah called and who even ran away, and was cast into the sea for his disbelief by those who feared, because he would not do Allah's Will.
3  But Allah loved Jonah and sent a great fish to swallow him up, and carry him safely to land.  And Jonah did what Allah asked him to and became a great man, well remembered.
4  My brethren, do not try to flee from that that Allah asks you to do.  Go boldly when Allah speaks to you.  perform His Glory and be glorified by Allah, that like Jonah you should be remembered by men.
5  No one can escape Allah's Will, no matter how much they try.  So it is better simply to do what Allah wishes immediately.

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