1  My beloved, those true to the faith, there is something I must make you sure of because if I do not others will lead you astray, and deny you Paradise.
2  There is, my beloved, but one God, and ONLY one God, and He is Allah.
3  And none are to be worshipped but that One God.
4  Man tends to break Allah into many pieces because it is hard for them to deal with Allah's totality.  But you must not do that, my beloved.
5  Now, some will tell you, beloved, that there is a Trinity, that Allah is actually in three parts, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost.  This is a lie, my beloved.
6  Allah stands alone, He is The Ultimate Glory, He is The Ultimate Power, The Ultimate Truth!  NOTHING comes before Allah.  This can never be.
7  Jesus is Allah's Only Begotten Son.  He is Allah's Teacher and Allah's Sacrifice for those who have gone astray and need repentence.  But He is not God. He is not Allah.
8  The Son cannot be put before The Father.  The Son rules only as The Father's Steward in The Father's place.
9  Jesus rules Allah's Kingdom, but He is not Allah, and He cannot be worshipped.
10  Do not separate Allah into many aspects.  Keep Him whole, keep Him united, keep Him one.
11  And The Holy Spirit, my beloved, is Allah's Messengers, Those who go to and fro keeping Allah in contact with His beloved.  They are not part of Allah, They are His Servants, and how can you worship Allah's Servants?  This can never be!
12  You do not serve The Servants, you serve The Master.
13  So, when men come to you and say there is a Trinity, reject them, and say "Not so!  Allah is One God, whole and complete.  All others serve Him.  There is no Trinity."
14  And be steadfast in this truth, beloved, do not stray from it!  For it is The Will Of Allah!


1  Now, my beloved, I must speak to you of the building of temples, for surely you must build great shrines to Allah, places where the beloved may gather to hear the wisdom of their Elders, and to pray to Allah.  And this is how these temples are to be built, beloved.
2  The Most Sacred Wall, the place that people face in order to pray, should always face my place of birth.  And the tallest tower of the temple from which the people are called to prayer, shall also be on the side that faces the place of my birth.
3  No tower is ever to be greater than this tower, so when the people anywhere in the city look to the temple and wish to know in which direction to face to pray, they can see the highest tower and know in which way Mecca lies, and be devout in their prayers.
4  These are the simple matters of your temples, beloved.  However glorious you make them, this pattern must always be followed.  If it is, then you shall always be good with Allah.  If it is not, then Allah will not be with you.  For if a people will not do as simple things as these, to honor Allah, then Allah will not be with them, for surely they are not His.  Be with Allah, beloved.


1  My beloved, I have taught you that in times of war the men should go out and do battle while the women, the old and the young, defend the villages.  Yet y ou ask of me "Should a woman bear arms, should she wear a sword?
2  A woman should be capable of defending herself at all times.  In times of war it would be appropriate for her to bear a sword.  But in times of peace she should have a lesser weapon that can be concealed away, but could just as easily be used to defend herself and slay an attacker.
3  If a woman is defenseless, if she can be easily taken, it will tempt the wicked to do evil.  But if they know a woman carries a sting, and can put them to death, they will think again about any mischief, for the wicked fear for their lives because they have no assurance in Allah's blessing.
4  So, when a woman goes forth, my beloved, even when she is at her husband's side, let men be wary  of her, let her carry the sting of death, and let her be well taught to use it, that evil men not be tempted and Allah not have to destroy their Souls.

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