1  My beloved, there are some things that can never be changed.  Though we might wish that they can be changed, even Allah can't change the nature of men and women.
2  There have always been, my beloved, and there will always be, whores.  Allah might not like, but Allah understands this, and He insists that whores be treated rightly.
3  No young woman may be forced to become a whore with the lash, or, the fist, or with physical force, having men hold her while another man enters her.  Nor, may a young woman be made a whore by threat against her life or, by threat against the life of anyone she loves.
4  Any men that do any of these things are to be castrated and made prisoners for the rest of their lives, and all that they earn besides their keep, shall go to the woman they made a whore.  This is the demand of Allah.
5  And if men should kill any woman after they have made her a whore so she cannot speak about what they have done, they are to be burned alive, laying down with the fire beginning at their feet.  For the crime they have committed is such an abomination.
6  If a woman chooses to become a whore she must do so of her own free will.
7  If a man offers a young woman a great treasure for her virginity and she accepts, then this is permissible.  But woe to the man that promises a treasure to such a young woman, does what he will, and gives her the treasure not, for he is a thief and shall be treated exactly as a thief.
8  Now if people keep a safe house where whores might work without danger of being robbed or murdered, it is permissible for the people keeping this house to receive a fourth of whatever the whore makes.  For they provide her protection and witness to the bargains that have been made. But if any persons keeping such houses violate Allah's Laws, and use any kind of trickery to take more than their due, they are to be treated as any other thieves and punished accordingly.
9  Any men that use such houses and know that women are being mistreated there, and report it not, to The Elders, those men also shall be punished according to The Law.
10  If a woman in any house should tell a man "I am held captive here!"  he should gather his brothers, go to the house and seize the women, and take them to The Elders, that they might tell what is happening, and The Elders should act accordingly, for this is The Will Of Allah.
11  Allah will not punish His daughters who choose to be whores, as long as they do not steal from those they service, and will be well with them.
12  But Allah will punish those that misuse His daughters, that do not treat them justly, and Allah's punishment is too harsh to incour.  So do not incour it, beloved.


1  Oh, beloved, the bodies, the forms that Allah has given us are not things of shame, they are things of beauty.
2  But there are limits as to how they should be displayed in public, both for men and women.
3  Neither should ever be bare in public.  Any man that exposes himself, shows his manhood to others in a public place shall be imprisoned and kept there til he understands that this is not permitted.
4  When people are bathing husbands and wives and young children may bathe together, but young women should bathe in a separate place, and young men in another, in best circumstances, separated by the husbands and wives.
5  In public there is a minimum dress that all should observe.  The legs may be exposed up to the knees and the arms to the shoulders.  But the rest of the body should be covered.  This is to make people more comfortable when they must do a lot of work, and so clothing will not get in the way of work.
6 In places of worship all should cover their heads.  Women should cover their hair, so they will not be a distraction to those worshipping.  But outside of places of worship women should show their glory.
7  The veil, my beloved, is an abomination, is a sickness made by lusting men, because they cannot control their lust.  God made women to beautify our lands, to bring us joy and happiness, and any that say the beauty of a woman is evil, are the evilest of all, and should be put to death.  For they try to break the natural bond between men and women, and control people by making unholy rules that it is impossible for any to follow.
8  Allah COMMANDED that men would be attractive to women, and, that women would be attractive to men.  Any that say this is evil deny what Allah commanded.  Do not have them among you!  They are Creatures Of Darkness.
9  Men must learn to control their lust, their greed, their desire.  They must not try to solve these problems by hiding that that they desire away.
10  They MUST NOT punish the innocent because of their own weakness.  Any that say they have a right to, that they have a right to cover up their wives and hide them from other men, must be put out of your societies, must be put out of your communities, for their jealousy is an abomination to Allah.

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