1  Now, my beloved, my brothers and my sisters, you desire to be one with Allah, but I see, also, that many of you desire to be glorified by men.  You run about covering yourselves with gold and silver and fine fabrics, in bright colors, making yourself like a strutting peacock.
2  My beloved, this does not impress Allah, Allah looks at what is within, not what is without.
3  Nor does it impress the poor, it only makes them angry that they have so little, and you have so much.
4  Nor does it impress your friends, for they think you are quite the fool to be wearing all this gold instead of investing it so it brings you profit.
5  Covering yourselves with gold and silver, my beloved, and adorning your wives with it, is not The Way Of Allah.
6  Small tokens of love and affection are acceptable.  But even these should be kept private, hidden away, and treasured.
7  Do not be the strutting bird, my beloved, that is so heavy with feathers it cannot fly.  Strive to make better what is within, do not adorn what is without.  You will not impress man, nor, will you impress Allah, and that which does not impress Allah is a waste of time.


1  My beloved, it may become necessary when you live together in your numbers, to keep places for those who will not abide by The Law, places to keep captives other than those taken in war, where a man or a woman who has stolen might work off their debt.
2  These places, oh beloved, are not to be places of cruelty, but places of justice.
3  No prisoner is to be beaten, no female prisoner is to be used for pleasure, unless she does so of her own free will for some reward offered her.
4  But any man who misuses a female prisoner is to be put to death, for he has violated the trust that Allah has given her.
5  And any man that puts himself into a male prisoner is to be burned alive, for he has violated that man's Soul.
6  This is The Law Of Allah, and shall not be violated.
7  All places where prisoners are kept shall be kept clean, shall be kept dry, shall be kept warm.  Failure to do so would lose one Paradise.
8  While a person is a prisoner and they are being made to work, they could be taught a trade that could sustain them well, so that they would not have to steal when they are released again.
9  If a prisoner will not live peacefully with other prisoners, they are to be kept by themselves.  And if a prisoner refuses to work, they are not to be fed until they choose to do so.
10  The keepers of prisons should be just and honorable men.  If they are not, if they misuse the prisoners, they should become prisoners, themselves.
11  If you do these things, beloved, you will be right with Allah.
12  But if you do not you will not be right with Him.  And the man that is not right with Allah will soon wish that he was.  For all that Allah tells you to do is right.  And if you do not do it there is a terrible price.


1  Oh, beloved, keepers of The Faith, Allah insists that you respect other peoples' property.  Whether a man lives in a tent, or, in a house, or in a palace, that place, to Allah, is sacred and should not be violated unless you have just cause to enter into someone's house.
2  Except in absolute dire emergency when you believe someone's very life is in jeopardy, you should not enter into another's home without first getting the permission of the elders.
3  You must first show, with the witness of at least two, that these persons are doing some evil that justifies you violating the sanctity of their home.
4  And any who spy on others in their home, who seek to see what they are doing in any manner of thing without the consent of the elders who suspect some wrong doing, that person shall be punished, thrown in prison for several years til they learn to respect others' privacy.
5  This is The Will Of Allah and Allah's Will must be fulfilled.

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