Well, our procrastinator didn't ask any questions today so I have nothing to respond to. I have to report, however, Muhammed is asking me to do one of those impossible things again. He is instructing me to build a new mosque here in Fargo to become his new Seat Of Glory on Earth. Can anybody tell me what The Saudi Arabians have done? I can't imagine what has got Muhammed so berserk! He is angrier than I have ever known him! And when I ask him what the matter is, he says "You'll find out! And when you do, make them ashes, make them dust, make them a forgotten memory. This is my command to you from God, from all that is good, from all that is blessed, from all that is kind. Destroy them and leave no trace of them, that they may never again profane the Earth with their existence. It is God's Will that they be destroyed forever." Whatever these people are doing, I'd strongly advise them to stop it! The Prophet is enraged with them. The only thing I can think of is maybe they're hiding Bin Laden or giving the terrorists atomic material or something. It's got to be something major for Muhammed to be so irate. He can be bad, he's the worst of all Those I work with, but there is just no describing his rage. It is just simply unbelievable! And that rage can shake the Earth.
Heard on the t.v. last night that The Muslims in Syria prophesy that some day Jesus will return and exterminate The Jews, ridding the Earth of them. There's a ridiculous prophecy made up by someone to encourage his people to attack the innocent! Jesus would NEVER attack a Child Of Israel unless, of course, they were doing evil, and the People Of Israel are doing no evil in defending themselves, despite what The Palestinians say. The total reverse is true. Jesus condemns and attacks any that attack The People Of Israel, anyone who harms a Child Of Israel is expelled from The Kingdom Of God, because Jesus is The Son Of Israel, a descendant of Abraham, and all that dwell in Israel are His brothers and sisters. His coming to Earth did NOT change God's promise to The Children Of Israel, it only fortified it. The Jewish People did not kill Jesus, The Priesthood killed Jesus. The people loved Him. The secular government killed Jesus, not the people, for they feared He would unify the people and end The Priests' control over them. Jesus fights all evil priesthoods, whether they call themselves Hebrews Muslims or Christians. Any that use God to control the people for their own purposes are Jesus' enemies, and, The Kingdom Of God's enemies. Any that oppose Israel oppose Jesus and are His enemies. So beware of such practices for any purposes. It may sometimes be politically incorrect to defend Israel, to protect its people, but it is never SPIRITUALLY incorrect, and that is the more important of the two.
On another note, John Lennon is petrified that some of our associates may get in contact with Yoko. He is terribly afraid she will reject his new Work, not accept his message to her, and refuse to join him in The Afterlife, when her time comes, which he hopes is not for quite a while, because she is doing a lot of good in the world. But he wants desperately, for her to accept his new circumstances, and help in the Work to save Heaven and Earth. "No matter how much I've changed in some ways," he says, "I'm still the same in many ways. The changes should not make difference between us. There should be understanding why I am doing what I'm doing now and I hope there will be. My memories come and go. At times I barely remember my old life. At other times things are crystal clear. But the one memory that I always have that holds me to existence, to reality, to hope, is the image in my mind of you. And I never desire that that image be taken away." That is what John says of Yoko. What more can be said?
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